Property | Description |
Name | Provides a name for the strategy. |
Inputs | Identifies the output port that the strategy operations can read. |
Outputs | Identifies the output port that the strategy operations can write to. |
Description | Describes the strategy. The property is optional. |
Use probabilistic matching techniques | Specifies that the strategy can use a probabilistic model to identify token types. |
Reverse Enabled | Indicates that the strategy reads input data from right to left. This property is disabled for probabilistic matching. |
Delimiters | Specifies the characters that the transformation uses to evaluate substrings in input data. Default is space. The property is disabled in probabilistic labeling. |
Tokenized Output Field | Indicates that the strategy writes multiple labels to an output port. Select this field to create input data for pattern-based parsing in the Parser transformation. |
Score Output Field | Identifies the field that contains the score values generated in probabilistic matching. Set the score output field when you select the option to use probabilistic matching techniques. |
Output Delimiter | Specifies a character to separate data values on the output port. Default is colon. |
Property | Description |
Select Token Sets | Specifies the token sets that the transformation uses to label strings. |
Filter text | Filters the list of token sets or regular expressions. Use text characters and wildcard characters as a filter. |
Add Token Set | Use to define custom token sets. |
Add Regular Expression | Use to define regular expressions that match an input pattern. |
Edit | Edits the contents of a custom token set or a regular expression. |
Import | Imports a nonreusable copy of a token set or regular expression from a folder in the Model repository. If you update the source object for the token set or regular expression, the Data Integration Service does not update the nonreusable copy. |
Remove | Removes a custom token set or a regular expression. |
Specify Execution Order | Sets the order in which the operation applies the token sets or regular expressions to the data. Use the Up and Down arrows to change the order. |
Property | Description |
Search Term | Identifies the string to search for. |
Case Sensitive | Specifies whether the input data must match the case of the search term. |
Custom Label | Identifies the custom label to apply. |
Property | Description |
Name | Provides a name for the operation. |
Filter Text | Uses characters or wildcards you enter to filter the list of probabilistic models in the repository. |
Probabilistic Model | Identifies the probabilistic model to use in the operation. |
Property | Description |
Name | Provides a name for the operation. |
Reference Table | Specifies the reference table that the operation uses to label tokens. |
Label | Specifies the text that the operation writes to a new port when an input string matches a reference table entry. |
Case Sensitive | Determines whether input strings must match the case of reference table entries. |
Replace Matches with Valid Values | Replaces labeled strings with the entry from the Valid column in the reference table. |
Mode | Determines the token labeling method. Select Inclusive to label input strings that match reference table entries. Select Exclusive to label input strings that do not match reference table entries. |
Set Priority | Determines whether reference table labeling operations takes precedence over token set labeling operations in a strategy. If you set this property, the transformation performs reference table labeling before token set labeling, and the token set analysis cannot overwrite the reference table label analysis. |