Release Guide > Part II: 10.2 > New Features (10.2) > Enterprise Information Catalog

Enterprise Information Catalog

This section describes new Enterprise Information Catalog features in 10.2.

New Data Sources

Effective in version 10.2, Informatica Enterprise Information Catalog allows you to extract metadata from new data sources.
You can create resources in Informatica Catalog Administrator to extract metadata from the following data sources:
Apache Atlas
Metadata framework for Hadoop.
Azure Microsoft SQL Data Warehouse
Cloud-based relational database to process a large volume of data.
Azure Microsoft SQL Server
Managed cloud database.
Azure WASB File Systems
Windows Azure Storage Blobs interface to load data to Azure blobs.
Data modeling tool.
Informatica Axon
Enterprise data governance solution.
For more information about new resources, see the Informatica Catalog Administrator Guide 10.2.

Custom Scanner Framework

Effective in version 10.2, you can ingest custom metadata into the catalog.
Custom metadata is metadata that you define. You can define a custom model, create a custom resource type, and create a custom resource to ingest custom metadata from a custom data source. You can use custom metadata integration to extract and ingest metadata from custom data sources for which Enterprise Information Catalog does not provide a model.
For more information about custom metadata integration, see the Informatica Enterprise Information Catalog 10.2 Custom Metadata Integration Guide.


Effective in version 10.2, you can use Informatica Enterprise Information Catalog REST APIs to access and configure features related to the objects and models associated with a data source.
The REST APIs allow you to retrieve information related to objects and models associated with a data source. In addition, you can create, update, or delete entities related to models and objects such as attributes, associations, and classes.
For more information about unstructured file sources, see the Informatica Enterprise Information Catalog 10.2 REST API Reference.

Composite Data Domains

Effective in version 10.2, you can create composite data domains. A composite data domain is a collection of data domains or other composite data domains that you can link using rules. You can use a composite data domain to search for the required details of an entity across multiple schemas in a data source.
You can view composite data domains for tabular assets in the Asset Details view after you create and enable composite data domain discovery for resources in the Catalog Administrator. You can also search for composite data domains and view details of the composite data domains in the Asset Details view.
For more information about composite data domains, see the "View Assets" chapter in the Informatica Enterprise Information Catalog 10.2 User Guide and see the "Catalog Administrator Concepts" and "Managing Composite Data Domains" chapters in the Informatica Catalog Administrator Guide 10.2.

Data Domains

This section describes new features related to data domains in Enterprise Information Catalog.

Define Data Domains

Effective in version 10.2, you can configure the following additional options when you create a data domain:
For more information about data domains in Catalog Administrator, see the "Managing Data Domains" chapter in the Informatica Catalog Administrator Guide 10.2 .

Configure Data Domains

Effective in version 10.2, you can use predefined values or enter a conformance value for data domain match when you create or edit a resource.
For more information about data domains and resources, see the "Managing Resources" chapter in the Informatica Catalog Administrator Guide 10.2.

Data Domain Privileges

Effective in version 10.2, configure the Domain Management: Admin - View Domain and Domaingroup and Domain Management: Admin - Edit Domain and Domaingroup privileges in Informatica Administrator to view, create, edit, or delete data domains or data domain groups in the Catalog Administrator.
For more information about privileges see the "Privileges and Roles" chapter in the Informatica Administrator Reference for Enterprise Information Catalog 10.2.

Data Domain Curation

Effective in version 10.2, Enterprise Information Catalog accepts a data domain automatically if the data domain match percentage exceeds the configured auto-accept percentage in Catalog Administrator.
For more information about data domain curation, see the "View Assets" chapter in the Informatica Enterprise Information Catalog 10.2 User Guide.

Export and Import of Custom Attributes

Effective in version 10.2, you can export the custom attributes configured in a resource to a CSV file and import the CSV file back into Enterprise Information Catalog. You can use the exported CSV file to assign custom attribute values to multiple assets at the same time.
For more information about export and import of custom attributes, see the "View Assets" chapter in the Informatica Enterprise Information Catalog 10.2 User Guide.

Rich Text as Custom Attribute Value

Effective in version 10.2, you can edit a custom attribute to assign multiple rich text strings as the attribute value.
For more information about assigning custom attribute values to an asset, see the "View Assets" chapter in the Informatica Enterprise Information Catalog 10.2 User Guide.

Transformation Logic

Effective in version 10.2, you can view transformation logic for assets in the Lineage and Impact view. The Lineage and Impact view displays transformation logic for assets that contain transformations. The transformation view displays transformation logic for data structures, such as tables and columns. The view also displays various types of transformations, such as filter, joiner, lookup, expression, sorter, union, and aggregate.
For more information about transformation logic, see the "View Lineage and Impact" chapter in the Informatica Enterprise Information Catalog 10.2 User Guide.

Unstructured File Types

Effective in version 10.2, you can run the Data Domain Discovery profile or Column Profile and Data Domain Discovery profile on unstructured file types and extended unstructured formats for all the rows in the data source. The unstructured file types include compressed files, email formats, webpage files, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, and PDF. The extended unstructured formats include mp3, mp4, bmp, and jpg.
For more information about unstructured file types, see the "Managing Resources" chapter in the Informatica Catalog Administrator Guide 10.2.

Value Frequency

Configure and View Value Frequency

Effective in version 10.2, you can enable value frequency along with column data similarity in the Catalog Administrator to compute the frequency of values in a data source. You can view the value frequency for view column, table column, CSV field, XML file field, and JSON file data assets in the Asset Details view after you run the value frequency on a data source in the Catalog Administrator.
For more information about configuring value frequency, see the "Catalog Administrator Concepts" chapter in the Informatica Catalog Administrator Guide 10.2 . To view value frequency for a data asset, see the "View Assets" chapter in the Informatica Enterprise Information Catalog 10.2 User Guide.

Privileges to View Value Frequency in Enterprise Information Catalog

Effective in version 10.2, you need the following permission and privileges to view the value frequency for a data asset:
For more information about permissions and privileges, see the "Permissions Overview" and "Privileges and Roles Overview" chapter in the Informatica Administrator Reference for Enterprise Information Catalog 10.2 .

Deployment Support for Azure HDInsight

Effective in version 10.2, you can deploy Enterprise Information Catalog on Azure HDInsight Hadoop distribution.
For more information, see the "Create the Application Services" chapter in the Informatica Enterprise Information Catalog 10.2 Installation and Configuration Guide.