Release Guide > Part II: 10.2 > New Features (10.2) > Intelligent Data Lake

Intelligent Data Lake

This section describes new Intelligent Data Lake features in 10.2.

Validate and Assess Data Using Visualization with Apache Zeppelin

Effective in version 10.2, after you publish data, you can validate your data visually to make sure that the data is appropriate for your analysis from content and quality perspectives. You can then choose to fix the recipe thus supporting an iterative Prepare-Publish-Validate process.
Intelligent Data Lake uses Apache Zeppelin to view the worksheets in the form of a visualization Notebook that contains graphs and charts. For more details about Apache Zeppelin, see Apache Zeppelin documentation. When you visualize data using Zeppelin's capabilities, you can view relationships between different columns and create multiple charts and graphs.
When you open the visualization Notebook for the first time after a data asset is published, Intelligent Data Lake uses CLAIRE engine to create Smart Visualization suggestions in the form of histograms of the numeric columns created by the user.
For more information about the visualization notebook, see the "Validate and Assess Data Using Visualization with Apache Zeppelin" chapter in the Informatica Intelligent Data Lake 10.2 User Guide.

Assess Data Using Filters During Data Preview

Effective in version 10.2, you can filter the data during data preview for better assessment of data assets. You can add filters for multiple fields and apply combinations of such filters. Filter conditions depend on the data types. If available, you can view column value frequencies found during profiling for string values.
For more information, see the "Discover Data" chapter in the Informatica Intelligent Data Lake 10.2 User Guide.

Enhanced Layout of Recipe Panel

Effective in version 10.2, you can see a dedicated panel for Recipe steps during data preparation. The recipe steps are clearer and concise with color codes to indicate function name, columns involved, and input sources. You can edit the steps or delete them. You can also go back-in-time to a specific step in the recipe and see the state of data. You can refresh the recipe from the source. You can also see a separate Ingredients panel which shows the sources used for this sheet.
For more information, see the "Prepare Data" chapter in the Informatica Intelligent Data Lake 10.2 User Guide.

Apply Data Quality Rules

Effective in version 10.2, while preparing data, you can use pre-built rules that are available during interactive data preparation. These rules are created using Informatica Developer or Informatica Analyst tool. If you have a Big Data Quality license, thousands of pre-built rules are available that can be used by Intelligent Data Lake users as well. Using pre-built rules promotes effective collaboration within Business and IT with reusability of rules and knowledge, consistency of usage and extensibility.
For more information, see the "Prepare Data" chapter in the Informatica Intelligent Data Lake 10.2 User Guide.

View Business Terms for Data Assets in Data Preview and Worksheet View

Effective in version 10.2, you can view business terms associated with columns of data assets in data preview as well as during data preparation.
For more information, see the "Discover Data" chapter in the Informatica Intelligent Data Lake 10.2 User Guide.

Prepare Data for Delimited Files

Effective in version 10.2, as a data analyst, you can cleanse, transform, combine, aggregate, and perform other operations on delimited HDFS files that are already in the lake. You can preview these files before adding them to a project. You can then configure the sampling settings of these assets and perform data preparation operations on them.
For more information, see the "Prepare Data" chapter in the Informatica Intelligent Data Lake 10.2 User Guide.

Edit Joins in a Joined Worksheet

Effective in version 10.2, you can edit the joinconditions for an existing joined worksheet such as join keys, join types (such as inner and outer joins).
For more information, see the "Prepare Data" chapter in the Informatica Intelligent Data Lake User Guide.

Edit Sampling Settings for Data Preparation

Effective in version 10.2, you can edit the sampling settings while preparing your data asset. You can change the columns selected for sampling, edit the filters selected, and change the sampling criteria.
For more information, see the "Prepare Data" chapter in the Informatica Intelligent Data Lake 10.2 User Guide.

Support for Multiple Enterprise Information Catalog Resources in the Data Lake

Effective in version 10.2, you can configure multiple Enterprise Information Catalog resources so that the users can work with all types of assets and all applicable Hive schemas in the lake.

Use Oracle for the Data Preparation Service Repository

Effective in version 10.2, you can now use Oracle 11gR2 and 12c for the Data Preparation Service repository.

Improved Scalability for the Data Preparation Service

Effective in version 10.2, you can ensure horizontal scalability by using grid for the Data Preparation Service with multiple Data Preparation Service nodes. Improved scalability supports high performance, interactive data preparation during increased data volumes and increased number of users.