Release Guide > Part II: 10.2 > New Features (10.2) > Intelligent Streaming

Intelligent Streaming

This section describes new Intelligent Streaming features in 10.2.

CSV Format

Effective in version 10.2, Streaming mappings can read and write data in CSV format.
For more information about the CSV format, see the "Sources and Targets in a Streaming Mapping" chapter in the Informatica Intelligent Streaming 10.2 User Guide.

Data Types

Effective in version 10.2, Streaming mappings can read, process, and write hierarchical data. You can use array, struct, and map complex data types to process the hierarchical data.
For more information, see the "Sources and Targets in a Streaming Mapping" chapter in the Informatica Intelligent Streaming 10.2 User Guide.


Effective in version 10.2, you can use the following new messaging connections in Streaming mappings:
For more information, see the "Connections" chapter in the Informatica Intelligent Streaming 10.2 User Guide.

Pass-Through Mappings

Effective in version 10.2, you can pass any payload format directly from source to target in Streaming mappings.
You can project columns in binary format to pass a payload from source to target in its original form or to pass a payload format that is not supported.
For more information, see the "Sources and Targets in a Streaming Mapping" chapter in the Informatica Intelligent Streaming 10.2 User Guide.

Sources and Targets

Effective in version 10.2, you can create the following new physical data objects:
For more information, see the "Sources and Targets in a Streaming Mapping" chapter in the Informatica Intelligent Streaming 10.2 User Guide.

Transformation Support

Effective in version 10.2, you can use the Rank transformation with restrictions in Streaming mappings.
For more information, see the "Intelligent Streaming Mappings" chapter in the Informatica Intelligent Streaming 10.2 User Guide.