Ariba Connector Guide > Data Synchronization Tasks with Ariba Connector > Rules and Guidelines for Ariba Task Operations

Rules and Guidelines for Ariba Task Operations

You must perform import and export operations in the following sequence:
  1. 1. Search Catalog Items.
  2. 2. Import Requisitions. Perform the following tasks to import a requisition:
    1. a. After you create a requisition using import requisition, approve the requisition in Ariba sandbox.
    2. b. In the Approval Flow section, click the X icon on the submitted Active Purchasing Agent to delete the purchasing agent.
    3. The following image shows the Approval Flow section where you delete the active purchasing agent:
  3. 3. Export Purchase Orders.
  4. 4. Export Supplier Organizations.
  5. 5. Import Purchase Order ID. Perform the following tasks to import a purchase order ID:
    1. a. To find the value of ERPORDERID, navigate to the History tab.
    2. b. View the summary for the specific purchase order.
    3. The following image shows the purchase order ID summary details:
  6. 6. Import Receipt ID.