REST API Connector Guide > REST API Connections > REST API Connection Properties

REST API Connection Properties

When you set up a REST API connection, you must configure the connection properties.
Consider the following categories for the REST API connection properties:

General Properties

The following table describes the REST API connection general properties:
Connection Property
Connection Name
Name of the REST API connection. Enter a unique name for the connection.
Description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 765 characters.
Type of connection. Select REST (Informatica Cloud Labs) from the list
Runtime Environment
The name of the runtime environment where you want to run the tasks. Do not use Informatica Cloud Hosted Agent.
Sample Response XML or JSON File Path
Provide the path of the xml or JSON response file.
  • - If you provide the path of the response file, the Secure Agent does not make a call to the REST API during the design phase.
  • - If you do not provide the path of the response file, the Secure Agent makes a call to the REST API during the design phase.
Response Folder Path
Provide the path on Secure Agent machine where you want to generate the response file.

URL Properties

The following table describes the REST API connection URL properties:
Connection Property
Base URL
Endpoint URL of REST API to which you want to make calls. Do not specify the query parameters with the Base URL.
Is BaseURL Dynamic
Select if you want to make multiple calls and the Base URL for each call is different.
If the Base URL is dynamic, the Secure Agent uses the base URLs specified in the Parameter Configuration file.
In the Parameter Configuration file, you must add Dynamic_BaseUrl column and provide the URL for each request as the values.
For more details about the Configuration files, see Creating Configuration Files
Url Request Parameters
Specify the URL request parameters separated by semicolon (;) based on Endpoint URL you provide in the Base URL parameter. For example:
An invoice report API might require the following parameters:
The parameter and the value are separated by an equal sign (=).
Media Type
Select the required media type from the list.
  • - application/xml
  • - application/json
  • - application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • - text/xml
  • - text/plain
Request Type
Select the required Request Type from the list.
  • - GET
  • - POST
  • - PUT
  • - DELETE
Url Input Parameters Config File Name
Optional. Specify the path and name of the configuration file. When the file is created for the first time, it contains the values that are provided in the Url Request Parameters field. Later, you can add different values for different records in the configuration file.
Note: The Url request parameter must not contain semicolon (;) and the parameter value must not contain the equal sign (=).
Use the Create the config csv file property to create the configuration files if you want to pass multiple values for parameters defined in the URL Input Parameters, Form Input Parameter, or Header Input Parameter fields. For more details, see Creating Configuration Files.
In addition to provide the Url request parameters and the Url input parameters configuration file in the connection properties, you must set the parameters when you configure the source or the target. Set the parameters in the Filter page if the REST connection is a source or in the Mapping page if the REST connection is a target.

Form Properties

The following table describes the REST API connection Form properties:
Connection Property
Form Request Parameters
Specify the Form request parameters separated by semicolon (;) based on Endpoint URL you provide in the Base URL parameter. For example:
A login API requires the user name and password parameters.;password=foobar1
The parameter and the value are separated by an equal sign (=).
Form Input Parameters Config File Name
Optional. Specify the path and name of the configuration file. When the file is created for the first time, it contains the values that are provided in the Form Request Parameters field. Later, you can add different values for different records in the configuration file.
Note: The Form request parameter must not contain semicolon (;) and the parameter value must not contain the equal sign (=).
In addition to provide the Form request parameters and the Form input parameters configuration file in the connection properties, you must set the parameters when you configure the source or the target. Set the parameters in the Filter page if the REST connection is a source or in the Mapping page if the REST connection is a target.

Header Properties

The following table describes the REST API connection header properties:
Connection Property
Header Request Parameters
Specify the header request parameters separated by semicolon (;) based on Endpoint URL you provide in the Base URL parameter. For example:
An invoice report API might require the following parameters:
The parameter and the value are separated by an equal sign (=).
Header Input Parameters Config File Name
Optional. Specify the path and name of the configuration file. When the file is created for the first time, it contains the values that are provided in the Header Request Parameters field. Later, you can add different values for different records in the configuration file.
Note: The header request parameter must not contain semicolon (;) and the parameter value must not contain the equal sign (=).
In addition to provide the Header request parameters and the Header input parameters configuration file in the connection properties, you must set the parameters when you configure the source or the target. Set the parameters in the Filter page if the REST connection is a source or in the Mapping page if the REST connection is a target.

Authentication Properties

Configure the authentication type and the required authentication properties for secure communication between the Secure Agent and REST API endpoint.
The following is the list of authentication types and the required authentication properties: