Transformations > Structure Parser Transformation > Processing Input from a Flat File Source Transformation

Processing Input from a Flat File Source Transformation

The Structure Parser can process input from one or more files when you add a flat file source transformation.
The flat file source transformation uses a reference file that contains a file path or a list of file paths to one or more files that you want the Structure Parser to process. Ensure that you use a reference file when you configure the source transformation. In the source transformation, on the Source tab Object field, select the reference file.

Configuring the Flat File Source Transformation

To use the flat file source transformation with a Structure Parser, ensure that the source transformation has one output field.
    bulletOn the source transformation Source tab, in the Object field select Formatting Options, then select None for the Text Qualifier and Auto-generate for the Field Labels.

Configuring the Structure Parser to Access Flat Files

To ensure that the Structure Parser accesses the files in the reference file, configure the Field Mapping settings.
    bulletOn the Structure Parser Field Mapping tab, map the field in the Incoming Field panel to the File Path field in the Structure Parser Input Fields panel.