SAP Connector Guide > Part VI: Data Integration Using IDocs > IDoc Mapplets > Importing IDoc Metadata

Importing IDoc Metadata

    1. Navigate to the SAP Metadata utility installation directory and double-click the SAPUtil.bat file.
    The Import SAP IDOC/BAPI/RFC wizard appears.
    2. Select the SAP system to which you want to connect.
    All systems specified in the sapnwrfc.ini file appear in the drop-down list.
    3. Enter the SAP user name.
    4. Enter the password associated with the SAP user.
    5. Enter the client number.
    6. Enter the language code.
    7. Select IDoc and click Connect.
    The connection to the SAP system is established.
    8. Click Next.
    The Step 2: Select SAP IDoc Prepare Transformation page appears.
    9. Enter the message type and the IDoc type, and click Fetch.
    You can view the segment details of the IDoc.
    10. Select the transformation type. You can choose one of the following options:
    11. Select the transformation scope. You can choose one of the following options:
    12. Select the segments you want to include in the mapplet.
    You can click Select All Segments to include all segments in the IDoc. Click Deselect All Segments to remove all selected segments except required segments from the IDoc.
    13. To add other fields into the Control Record input group of a mapplet, perform the following steps:
    1. a. Click Control Page. Add more control records if you have more than one logical system.
    2. b. Select the checkbox for the field that you want to add, and then click Partner Profile > New .
    3. c. Enter the key and value for the partner profile. The key is the field name, and the value is the partner type.
    4. d. Optionally, to add a control record field to the mapplet, from the Control Record page, select the checkbox for the field you want to add. This will enable you to map the selected control record fields when you configure a mapping, integration template, or Mapping Configuration task.
    14. Select a directory for the output files and click OK.
    15. Click Finish.
    The mapplet for the specified IDoc is created in the output directory.