SAP Connector Guide > Part II: SAP Connector Administration > SAP Connector Administration > SAP BW Connector Administration

SAP BW Connector Administration

Before users can use an SAP BW Reader connection to read SAP BW data, you must perform the following tasks:
  1. 1. Verify if the required licences are enabled.
  2. 2. Download and configure the SAP libraries to read SAP BW data.
  3. 3. Install transport files.
  4. 4. Configure HTTPS.

Step 1. Verifying if the Required Licences are Available for SAP BW Connector

You must verify if the required licences for SAP BW Connector are available before you create an SAP BW reader connection and read data from SAP BW objects such as InfoCubes, InfoSets, MultiProviders, and DataStore objects.
    1. In the Informatica Cloud page, click the Administer tab.
    2. Under Connector Licences, verify if the SAP BW Connector licence is enabled.

Step 2. Downloading and Configuring the Libraries for SAP BW Data Extraction

Before you can use an SAP BW Reader connection, you must download the SAP JCo libraries from the SAP Service Marketplace and configure them on the machine where the Secure Agent runs.
Contact SAP Customer Support if you encounter any issues with downloading the libraries.
    1. Go to the SAP Service Marketplace:
    Note: You will need SAP credentials to access the Service Marketplace.
    2. Download the 64-bit SAP JCo libraries based on the operating system on which the Secure Agent runs:
    Secure Agent System
    SAP File Name
    Verify that you download the most recent version of the libraries.
    3. Copy the JCo libraries to the following directory:
    <Informatica Secure Agent installation directory>\apps\Data_Integration_Server\ext\deploy_to_main\bin\rdtm-extra\tpl\sap
    Create the deploy_to_main\bin\rdtm-extra\tpl\sap directory if it does not already exist.
    Note: If you upgrade from a 32-bit operating system, the Secure Agent copies the 32-bit SAP JCo libraries to the directory. You must replace the 32-bit JCo libraries with 64-bit JCo libraries. If you upgrade from a 64-bit operating system, you do not need to perform this step. The Secure Agent copies the 64-bit SAP JCo libraries to the directory.
    4. Configure the JAVA_LIBS property in Informatica Cloud.
    1. a. Log in to Informatica Cloud.
    2. b. Click Configure > Runtime Environments to access the Runtime Environments page.
    3. c. To the left of the agent name, click Edit Secure Agent.
    4. d. From the Service list, select Data Integration Server.
    5. e. From the Type list, select Tomcat JRE.
    6. f. Enter the JAVA_LIBS value based on the operating system on which the Secure Agent runs.
    7. Operating System
    8. g. Click OK to save the changes.
    9. h. Repeat steps 2 through 7 on every machine where you installed the Secure Agent.
    5. Restart the Secure Agent.

Step 3. Installing SAP BW Reader Transport Files

Install the SAP BW Reader transport files on the SAP machines that you want to connect to. Before you install the transports on the production system, install and test the transports in a development system.

Installing Transport Files

Install transport files from a Secure Agent directory to read data from a Unicode SAP system. The transport files are for SAP NetWeaver BW version 7.x. To install transport files for an earlier version, contact Informatica Global Customer Support.
    1. Find the transport files in the following directory on the Secure Agent machine:
    <Informatica Secure Agent installation directory>\downloads\package-bwreader.4\package\rdtm\sap-transport\SAPBWReader
    2. Copy the cofile transport file to the Cofile directory in the SAP transport management directory on each SAP machine that you want to access.
    The cofile transport file uses the following naming convention: RUN_BWRDR_K<number>.g00
    3. Remove "RUN_BWRDR_" from the file name to rename the cofile. For example, for a cofile transport file named RUN_BWRDR_K900723.g00, rename the file to K900723.g00.
    4. Copy the data transport file to the Data directory in the SAP transport management directory on each SAP machine that you want to access.
    The data transport file uses the following naming convention: RUN_BWRDR_R<number>.g00
    5. Remove "RUN_BWRDR_" from the file name to rename the file. For example, for a data transport file named RUN_BWRDR_R900723.g00, rename the file to R900723.g00.
    6. To import the transports to SAP, in the STMS, click Extras > Other Requests > Add and add the transport request to the system queue.
    7. In the Add Transport Request to Import Queue dialog box, enter the request number for the cofile transport.
    The request number inverts the order of the renamed cofile as follows: g00K<number>.
    For example, for a cofile transport file renamed as K900723.g00, enter the request number as g00K900723.
    8. In the Request area of the import queue, select the transport request number that you added, and click Import.

Step 4: Configuring HTTPS

To connect to SAP through HTTPS and read data from SAP BW sources, you must configure the machine that hosts the Secure Agent and the machine that hosts the SAP system. You must also enable HTTPS when you configure an SAP BW Reader connection in Informatica Cloud.
Perform the following configuration tasks on the Secure Agent and SAP systems:
HTTPS Configuration on the Secure Agent System
To configure HTTPS on the machine that hosts the Secure Agent, perform the following tasks:
  1. 1. Create a certificate using OpenSSL and JAVA KeyTool.
  2. 2. Convert the OpenSSL certificate (PKCS#12 certificate) to SAP specific format (PSE) using the SAPGENPSE tool.
Currently, self-signed certificates are supported.
HTTPS Configuration on the SAP System
To configure HTTPS on the machine that hosts the SAP system, perform the following tasks:
  1. 1. Enable the HTTPS service on the SAP system.
  2. 2. Import the certificate in PSE format to the SAP system trust store.