Business 360 Connector > Business 360 connection overview > Business 360 connection properties

Business 360 connection properties

When you create the Business 360 connection, you must configure the connection properties.
The following table describes the Business 360 connection properties:
Connection Name
The name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain. You can change this property after you create the connection. The name cannot exceed 100 characters, contain spaces, or contain the following special characters:~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /
Optional. The description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 4,000 characters.
The connection type. Select Business 360.
Runtime Environment
The name of the runtime environment where you want to run the mappings. Select a Secure Agent.
Note: Ensure that you don't select a Hosted Agent or serverless runtime environment when you create a Business 360 connection.
Runtime Parameter
A system-generated job instance ID to process the ingress and export jobs.
Note: Ensure that you do not modify this attribute.