Microsoft SQL Server Connector > Mappings and mapping tasks with Microsoft SQL Server Connector > Microsoft SQL Server targets in a mapping

Microsoft SQL Server targets in a mapping

To write data to a Microsoft SQL Server database, configure a Microsoft SQL Server object as the Target transformation in a mapping. You can use the full SQL ELT optimization to write data to Microsoft SQL Server.
Specify the name and description of the Microsoft SQL Server target. Configure the target and advanced properties for the target object.
The following table describes the target properties that you can configure for a Microsoft SQL Server target:
Name of the target connection.
You can select an existing connection, create a new connection, or define parameter values for the target connection property.
If you want to overwrite the target connection properties at runtime, select the Allow parameter to be overridden at run time option.
Target Type
Type of the Microsoft SQL Server target object available. You can choose from the following source types:
  • - Single Object
  • - Parameter
A parameter file where you define values that you want to update without having to edit the task.
Select an existing parameter for the target object or click New Parameter to define a new parameter for the target object.
The Parameter property appears only if you select parameter as the target type.
If you want to overwrite the target object at runtime, select the Allow parameter to be overridden at run time option.
When the task runs, the Secure Agent uses the parameters from the file that you specify in the advanced session properties.
Name of the Microsoft SQL Server target object based on target type selected.
Specify the target object that you want to create at run time. You can also select an existing object from the list.
Select the target operation. You can perform the following operations on a Microsoft SQL Server target:
  • - Insert
  • - Update
  • - Upsert (Update or Insert)
  • - Delete
  • - Data Driven
Data Driven Condition
Enables you to define expressions that flag rows for an insert, update, or delete operation. Appears only when the operation type is Data Driven.
Note: To configure a data driven expression in a mapping, you need to specify the expression that uses the IIF function.
Update Columns
Click Add to select the columns that you want to use as a logical primary key for performing update, upsert, delete, and data driven operations on the target. This field is not required if the target table already has a primary key.
Truncate target
When you enable the Truncate Target option, the Secure Agent truncates the table before running the task. Default is not selected.
Enable target bulk load
Uses Microsoft SQL Server bulk API to insert data in bulk mode.
When you create a mapping task, you can use the Microsoft SQL Server bulk API to perform insert operation.
Forward Rejected Rows
Determines whether the transformation passes rejected rows to the next transformation or drops rejected rows.
If you select the option, the Secure Agent flags the rows for reject and writes them to the reject file. If you do not select the option, the Secure Agent drops the rejected rows and writes them to the session log file. The Secure Agent does not write the rejected rows to the reject file.
Pre-SQL command to run against the target database before writing data to the target.
Post SQL
Post-SQL command to run against the target database after writing data to the target.
Update Override
An update SQL statement that updates the data in a Microsoft SQL Server target table. The update SQL statement you specify overrides the default update statements that the Secure Agent generates to update the target based on key columns. You can define an update override statement to update target tables based on both key or non-key columns.
In the override statement, you must enclose all reserved words in quotation marks.
Reject file directory
The directory that stores the rejected files.
Reject filename
Name of the rejected file that is stored in the reject file directory.
Schema Name
Overrides the schema name of the target object.

Configuring an update override for the target

To override the default update SQL statement that the Secure Agent generates, you can specify an SQL statement in the Update Override field of the advanced target properties.
    1Next to the Update Override field, click Configure.
    2In the Update Override SQL Editor dialog box, enter the update SQL statement that the Secure Agent must use.
    3Click Generate SQL to generate an SQL query.
    4Click Format SQL to format the SQL query you entered.
    You can modify the generated SQL query in the SQL editor based on your requirement.
    5Click OK.