Components > File listeners

File listeners

A file listener listens to files on a defined location. Taskflows, file ingestion and replication tasks, and B2B Gateway partner flows use file listeners to monitor specific folders, and receive notification through a call-back API when a file event occurs. A file event occurs when new files arrive to the monitored folder or the files in the monitored folder are updated or deleted.
You define a file listener that listens to a specific folder and the file pattern. You can define the file events that trigger a notification to the following assets:
Note: You must have the Read File Listener and Run File Listener privileges to assign a file listener to the assets.
For example, you can define whether file ingestion and replication tasks are notified when new files arrive or files in the monitored location are updated or deleted. You then assign the file listener to a file ingestion and replication task. The file listener listens to source folder, and notifies the file ingestion and replication task when a file arrived, file updated, or file deleted event occurs. You can configure the source as a server event or a connector. The file ingestion and replication task then runs and picks up files from the source folder.
A file listener sends notifications to the user who created it when it starts listening to the folder, when it stops listening to the folder, and if errors occur while it listens to the folder.
The file listener creates a job when the file listener starts and lists the job instance in the file transfer logs page of Monitor. The file listener updates the job when file events occur. The file listener job details appear in the file listener job properties.
A file listener that is not used by a taskflow, file ingestion and replication task, or B2B Gateway partner is not active and does not listen to the defined folder.