Components > Refining intelligent structure models

Refining intelligent structure models

After Intelligent Structure Discovery discovers the structure of the model input, you can refine the structure so that the output meets your requirements when you use the model in production.
Use the Intelligent Structure Model page to refine the model. For example, you can work with the visual model to understand the structure, find and rename a node, add a prefix to file names, or define rows or columns in Microsoft Excel files as table headers.
As you refine the discovered structure, you can test the output that Intelligent Structure Discovery generates based on the model in different output formats. Repeat refining and testing the model until you are satisfied that it generates the required output.
The following image shows the process of discovering, refining, testing, and saving a model:
The image shows four elements that represent the stages of the process and the relationships between them. The first stage is to discover the structure, which leads to the second stage- testing the output. This stage leads to a decision point: is the output OK? If yes, the decision point leads directly to the last stage- saving the model. If not, the decision point leads to the third stage- refining the model. The process of testing the output and refining the model repeats until the output is OK, and then the decision point leads to the fourth and last stage- saving the model.