Components > Saved queries

Saved queries

A saved query is a component that you create to run SQL statements against a database. You can use a saved query as the source object in a synchronization task or as the query in an SQL transformation.
You can use a saved query in the following places:
As the source in a synchronization task
Create a saved query when you want to use a database source that you cannot configure using the single- or multiple-object source options. For example, you might create a saved query to include source filters, or to perform a complicated join of multiple tables. The query must be a SELECT statement.
To use a saved query in a synchronization task, first create the saved query component. Then when you configure the synchronization task, select the saved query as the source object. You can add one saved query to a synchronization task.
As the query in an SQL transformation in a mapping
You can create a saved query to use as the query in an SQL transformation. The query can contain one or more SQL statements. You can use one saved query in an SQL transformation.
To use a saved query in an SQL transformation, first create the saved query component. Then when you configure the SQL transformation in a mapping, you select the saved query to use.
To use saved queries, your organization must have the appropriate license. For more information, contact Informatica Global Customer Support.