Components > Mapplets > Validating a mapplet

Validating a mapplet

Validate a mapplet by resolving the errors in the expression editor and on the appropriate tab in the Validation panel.
Resolve the validation errors in the following areas of the Mapplet Designer:
Validation errors in the expression editor
The expression editor validates an expression for use both in and outside of advanced mode. The expression editor shows a different number of validation messages based on the processing differences between the Data Integration Server and an advanced cluster.
If the expression is valid or the validation error is the same for use both in and outside of advanced mode, the expression editor shows one validation message. If the expression is valid only in or outside of advanced mode, or the validation errors are different, the expression editor shows multiple validation messages.
Validation errors in the Validation panel
The Validation panel shows mapplet errors. To use the mapplet outside of advanced mode, resolve the errors on the Mapping tab. To use the mapplet in advanced mode, resolve the errors on the Mapping (Advanced Mode) tab.
If the mapplet is valid on one tab, the mapplet can be invalid on the other tab. If the mapplet contains no validation errors on either tab, you can use the mapplet in any mapping.
The following table lists the mapplet states and the mappings where you can use the mapplet:
Mapplet state
Mappings where you can use the mapplet
Can be used in all mappings
Cannot be used in any mappings
Valid (For Mappings)
Can be used in mappings outside of advanced mode
Valid (For Mappings in Advanced Mode)
Can be used in mappings in advanced mode