Components > Hierarchical mappers > XPath expression editor

XPath expression editor

Create input, condition, and output expressions in the XPath expression editor. XPath is a query language that performs computations and arithmetic calculations on hierarchical elements.
You can use XPath expressions to define the context for a statement or to define conditions to transform and filter the data. The function library in the expression editor is standard for the W3C XML Path Language.
When you click the Expression Editor button in the input, condition, or output property of a statement, the expression editor appears. The following image shows the expression editor:
XPath expression editor that includes a list of functions, the expression to edit, undo and redo buttons, and a Validate button.
  1. 1Add functions to the expression.
  2. 2Edit the expression.
  3. 3Undo and redo edits to the expression.
  4. 4Validate the expression.
You can add functions to the expression by clicking Add next to the function that you want to use. You can also type in the expression manually. To validate the expression, click Validate.