A Deduplicate asset contains options on a Definition tab, a Deduplication tab, and a Configuration tab.
Use the Definition tab options to enter a name for the asset, optionally enter a description for the asset, and select the folder in which to store the asset. Use the Deduplication tab options to configure the type of identity analysis that a mapping will perform. Optionally, use the Consolidation options to configure the strategy that the mapping will apply to the discrete sets of duplicate records that arise from the identity analysis.
Deduplication tab options
Use the Deduplication tab options to configure the type of duplicate analysis that a mapping will perform.
The following image shows the Deduplication tab:
The Deduplication tab includes the following options:
Identifies the type of identity information that the Deduplicate transformation will analyze when it compares the input records to each other.
Note: The objective that you select determines the input fields that asset displays in other options.
2Index Key.
Identifies the type of information that the Deduplicate transformation will use to create an index of the input records. Select the most relevant type of identity information as the index key. The source data that the mapping reads must include a field that contains the information.
3Data Locale.
Identifies the county or region for which the Deduplicate transformation loads identity population reference data. Select the locale in which the input data originates. The field includes an autocomplete feature that can help you to find the locale you need.
4Optional fields.
Enables the Deduplicate transformation to use additional input fields to create an index of input records at run time.
5Filter Exact Duplicates.
Determines whether the transformation applies the comparison algorithm in a match strategy to pairs of identical records in the input data. When you select the option, the Deduplicate transformation passes records that are exact duplicates of each other directly to the consolidation stage or to the downstream objects in the mapping without additional analysis.
The Deduplicate transformation output contains the same record data when you select or clear the option.
Indicates the relative speed and depth of the identity analysis. The default value is fast and less specific, which delivers reasonable analytical depth and faster mapping execution. Other performance options enable more exhaustive identity analysis with correspondingly longer mapping run times.
To view the performance criteria that determine the depth of the identity analysis, expand the Advanced Options. To customize the performance criteria, select Custom as the performance option.
7Advanced Options.
Displays the performance criteria that the Deduplicate transformation applies to the input data at run time.
Shows the fields for which the asset expects data, based on the objective that you select. Each field appears as a column name. To test the similarity between data records, enter two or more rows of data. Populate at a minimum each mandatory field and one or more of any required fields that the asset specifies for the current objective.
The panel also includes a Runtime Environment option and options to search, sort, and filter the test data. Use the Runtime Environment option to specify a Secure Agent.
Advanced options on the Deduplication tab
The advanced options display the performance criteria that the Deduplicate transformation defines for duplicate analysis at run time. The Performance field value determines the criteria. Expand the advanced options to view the criteria for the Performance field value. To update the criteria that apply at run time, select the Custom performance value.
The following image shows the advanced options:
You can review or update the following options:
1Level of Accuracy.
Determines the degree of similarity that must exist between two identities before the deduplication process considers them to be good matches with each other.
Conservative accuracy requires a very high degree of similarity. Typical accuracy requires a reasonable degree of similarity. Loose accuracy allows for a wider degree of latitude when evaluating the similarity between identities.
2Level of Confidence.
Determines the extent of the differences between data values that the deduplication process will tolerate. The level of confidence represents the level of error tolerance that the deduplication process supports.
Typical confidence configures the process to find common errors and variations in data values. The typical confidence level provides a practical balance between quality and mapping execution time.
Narrow confidence configures the process to find a narrow range of errors. Narrow confidence prioritizes mapping speed and may miss some duplicate identities.
Exhaustive confidence configures the process to find a broader range of errors than the typical analysis. Mappings with exhaustive confidence may take longer to run.
Extreme confidence configures the process to use every possibility to find a candidate match. Select the extreme level when you have a critical need to find every possible duplicate in the input data. Extreme confidence extends the time that the mapping takes to run.
3Key Level.
Determines the complexity of the index keys that the deduplication process creates.
Standard-level keys address most variations in word order, missing words, and extra words. They also maximize the likelihood of finding candidate matches in cases of severe spelling errors in multi-word names.
Extended-level keys improve match reliability by finding matches regardless of word order or concatenation. Extended keys increase disk space requirements and result in larger sets of matching candidates.
Limited Keys are a subset of standard keys. Limited keys reduce the use of disk space but may also reduce the reliability of identity search operations.
4Deduplication Outputs.
Determines the composition of the clusters of matching records that the transformation creates at run time. Select Best Match to create a cluster that contains only the best match for each record in the cluster. Select Match All to create a cluster that contains all records in the input data that match each record in the cluster.
5Deduplication Threshold.
Specifies the minimum score between two records that identify the records as plausible duplicates of each other.
Consolidation tab options
Use the Consolidation tab options to configure the type of consolidation that a mapping will perform.
The following image shows the Consolidation tab options:
The Consolidation tab includes the following options:
1Consolidation mode.
Identifies the type of consolidation that the Deduplicate transformation will perform when the mapping runs. The type that you select determines how the transformation selects the preferred record in each set of duplicate records.
Choose the row-based option to select a preferred record based on the quantity of data in the identity fields. Choose the field-based to build a preferred record from the data values across one or more records. You can also choose not to consolidate the duplicate record sets.
2Row strategy.
Determines how the transformation will select the preferred record when you choose the row-based consolidation mode.
Choose Most Data to specify the record with the greatest number of characters as the preferred record. Choose Most Filled to specify the row with the highest number of populated fields. Choose Modal Exact to select the record with the highest number of fields that contain the most common values in their respective columns.
3Field name column.
Lists the fields in the input records that the Deduplicate transformation will read. The field name column is visible when you select the field-based consolidation mode. You can specify a consolidation strategy for each field when you select field-based consolidation.
Determines how the transformation selects the value in each field for the preferred record when you choose the field-based consolidation mode.
You can select one of the following strategies:
- Highest row ID. Use the value from the record with the highest row ID or sequence ID. Highest row ID is the default strategy.
- Average. Use the average value across the records.
- Longest. Use the longest value in the field across the records.
- Maximum. Use the highest number in the field across the records. Or, choose the last value in alphabetical order.
- Minimum. Use the lowest number in the field across the records. Or, choose the first value in alphabetical order.
- Most frequent. Use the most frequently-occurring value in the field across the records, including blank, empty, or zero-length string fields.
Note: The consolidation operation will not add a null value to the preferred record.
- Most frequent non-blank. Use the most frequently-occurring value in the field across the records, excluding null, blank, empty, or zero-length string fields.
- Shortest. Use the shortest value in the field across the records.
Indicates whether the asset created the field during the deduplication operation or whether you added the field to the asset in the Consolidation pane.
6Data Type
Identifies the data type of the field. The default data type on all fields is String. You can modify the data type in field-based consolidation to suit your data requirements.
You can select one of the following data types for a field:
- Date/Time
- Float
- Integer
- String
Note: If you modify the data type of a field, do not change the mode to No Consolidation or Row-based consolidation without first saving the asset. The asset discards any update that you make to a data type in Field-based consolidation mode if you change to another mode.
7Add field button.
Adds one or more inputs to the consolidation operation when you select the field-based mode.
Add fields in the following cases:
- The identity analysis that you define on the Deduplication tab does not cover all of the fields that the transformation will analyze.
- You want to specify a non-default strategy for the additional fields.
The field-based strategies will apply to every input field that you map to the deduplicate asset in the transformation. If you do not specify a strategy for a field in field-based mode, the transformation applies the default strategy.