Catalog Source Configuration > Google Looker > Before you begin

Before you begin

Before you can extract catalog source metadata, get information from the Google Looker administrator.
Ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

Verify permissions

To extract metadata and to configure other capabilities that a catalog source might include, you need account access and permissions on the source system. The permissions required might vary depending on the capability.

Permissions to extract metadata

To extract Google Looker metadata, you need account access and permissions to the Google Looker source system.
Verify that you have performed the following tasks:

Permissions to perform data classification

You can perform data classification with the permissions required to perform metadata extraction.

Permissions to perform glossary association

You can perform glossary association with the permissions required to perform metadata extraction.

Get Google Looker source information

Before you configure the catalog source, ask the Google Looker administrator for values of connection properties that you need to configure the catalog source.
Note: You don't need to create a connection object for Google Looker. You provide this information when you configure the catalog source.
The following table describes the properties that you need:
Server API URL
Enter the Looker API URL.
The default port for API requests is port 19999.
All Looker API endpoints require an HTTPS connection. For example, https://<APIserver>:19999
Login User
Enter the user name for the catalog source.
The user name corresponds to the Client ID for an OAuth authentication method.
Login password
Enter the password for the catalog source.
This password corresponds to the Client secret for an OAuth authentication method.
Project filter
Use this option to select looks and dashboards from the parent project. Specify projects separated by a semicolon (;).
Incremental import
Select one of the following options to specify if you want to extract metadata that has changed since the previous run or extract complete metadata:
  • - True. Extracts only the changes to the metadata since the last metadata extraction job.
  • - False. Extracts the complete metadata.
Multiple threads
Number of worker threads that Metadata Command Center uses to extract metadata asynchronously. Leave blank or enter a positive integer value.
If left blank, the Secure Agent calculates the number of threads by using the JVM architecture and number of available CPU cores on the Secure Agent machine. If you specify a value that is not valid, the Secure Agent uses one thread.
Reduce the number of threads if the Secure Agent generates out-of-memory errors during metadata extraction. Increase the number of threads if the Secure Agent machine has a large amount of available memory, for example, 10 GB or more. If you specify too many threads, performance can decrease.
Offline metadata directory
Use when Looker metadata environment is not installed locally. Allows importing metadata from files previously downloaded from the Looker server.
Specify the directory path where the downloaded files are located.
Note: No connection to the Looker server is needed in this case, the usual connection parameters are ignored.
You can specify the following additional options to pass at runtime:
-m 4G -customXMILocation [path to xmi files]
-m. This option lets you specify the memory size required to run the metadata extraction job. For example, enter -m 4G
-cache.clear. This option clears the cache before metadata extraction.
-customXMILocation.Specify this option if you want to load the XMI files that are generated when you run a metadata extraction job. Specify the location where the XMI files are stored. For example:
-customXMILocation E:\Dev\apps\Metadata_Foundation_Agent\workspaces\Looker