Catalog Source Configuration > Microsoft Purview > Before you begin

Before you begin

Before you can extract catalog source metadata, get information from the Microsoft Purview administrator.
Perform the following prerequisite tasks:

Verify permissions and privileges

To extract Microsoft Purview metadata, you need account access and permissions to the Microsoft Purview source system.
Verify that the administrator performs the following tasks:

Get Microsoft Purview source information

Get the values of the connection properties that you need to configure from the Microsoft Purview administrator
Note: You don't need to create a connection object for Microsoft Purview. You provide this information when you configure the catalog source.
The following table describes the properties that you need:
Client ID
The client ID of the registered application to complete the service principal authentication.
Tenant ID
The tenant ID of the registered application to complete the service principal authentication.
Client Secret
The client secret key to complete the service principal authentication.
Account Name
Name of the Microsoft Purview account.