Catalog Source Configuration > Tableau


Tableau is a business intelligence tool that connects to data and create dashboards that can be shared.

Objects extracted

The metadata extraction service extracts the following objects from a Tableau source system:

Prerequisites for configuring the Tableau catalog source

Use the Tableau V3 connector to connect to the Tableau source system. For information about configuring a connection in Administrator, see Connections in the Cloud Common Services help.

Configure permissions or access to Tableau

To connect to a Tableau Server, Metadata Command Center uses the credentials of a user created on the Tableau Server. Configure the user account with the Interactor license level and have the view and download permissions for all projects, workbooks, and catalog sources for which you want to extract metadata

Connection properties

When you configure a connection to the Tableau source system in Administrator, you can view the connection properties for that connection on the Registration page in Metadata Command Center.
The following table describes the Tableau connection properties:
Runtime Environment
The execution platform that run tasks. The runtime environment is either a Secure Agent or a serverless runtime environment.
Tableau Product
The type of Tableau component that is used for the metadata extraction. Metadata Command Center supports Tableau Server.
Connection URL
URL to connect to the Tableau server.
User Name
The user name to connect to the Tableau server.
The password associated with the user name.

Referenced source systems

When you run the catalog source job, if the catalog source references another source system, a reference catalog source and connection get created that point to the reference source system. To view the complete lineage for your catalog source, you can perform connection assignment from the reference catalog source connection to the objects in the reference source system. You must first create and run an endpoint catalog source that connects to the reference source system.
Note: You can view the lineage with reference objects without creating a connection assignment. After connection assignment, run the catalog source job again to view the actual objects.
You can assign the following source systems as endpoint catalog sources:
Source system
Object class type
File System
File System
Hyper files (Tableau Prep extract)
File System
Amazon Redshift
Apache Hive
Generic ODBC
Google BigQuery
IBM Db2 for LUW
IBM Netezza
Microsoft SQL Server
Teradata Database

Configuration parameters for metadata extraction

Optionally, you can override default context values and job parameters on the Configuration tab.
The following table describes the property that you can enter for additional settings:
Note: The Additional Settings section appears when you click Show Advanced.
Expert Parameters
Enter additional configuration options to be passed at runtime. Required if you need to troubleshoot the catalog source job.
Caution: Use expert parameters when it is recommended by Informatica Global Customer Support.