Enterprise Data Catalog Scanner Configuration Guide > Configuring Database Management Resources > JDBC


You can use a JDBC connection to access tables in a database.

Objects Extracted

Enterprise Data Catalog extracts metadata of the following schema objects from a MySQL and AS400 databases that uses JDBC for connectivity:
JDBC with AS400

Permissions to Configure the Resource

You must configure the CONNECT and SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE permissions for the database user account that you use to access the MySQL or AS400 databases.


Download the JDBC driver JAR file from the Internet and copy the files to the JDBCScanner directory in the <INFA_HOME>/services/CatalogService/ScannerJars/externalDependencies directory. You need not restart the Catalog Service.
Alternatively, you can perform the following steps to complete the prerequisites:
  1. 1. Download the JDBC driver file and copy the file to the <INFA_HOME>/services/CatalogService/ScannerBinaries directory.
  2. 2. Open the <INFA_HOME>/services/CatalogService/ScannerBinaries/CustomDeployer/scannerDeployer.xml file and add the following lines in the file:
  3. </ExecutionContextProperty>
    <ExecutionContextProperty isLocationProperty="true" dependencyToUnpack="genericJDBC.zip">
  4. 3. Save the scannerDeployer.xml file.
  5. 4. Restart the Catalog Service.

Resource Connection Properties

The following table describes the connection properties for the JDBC resource:
Driver class
Name of the JDBC driver class.
Connection string to connect to the database.
Database user name.
Password for the database user name.
Agent URL
Optional. URL to the Enterprise Data Catalog agent that runs on a Microsoft Windows Server.
Note: Make sure that you specify the URL in the following format: http://<hostname>:<connector_port>/MIMBWebServices
Note: To extract metadata from multiple schemas of a source using the JDBC resource type, you can specify semicolon-separated schema names when you create the resource. You can type in the multiple schema names in the Schema field on the Metadata Load Settings page.
The following table describes the Additional and Advanced properties for source metadata settings on the Metadata Load Settings tab:
Enable Source Metadata
Select to extract metadata from the data source.
Catalog name.
Note: You cannot use Catalog option for JDBC or ODBC sources.
Specifies a list of schemas to import.
Source Metadata Filter
You can include or exclude tables and views from the resource run. Use semicolons (;) to separate the table names and view names.
For more information about the filter field, see Source Metadata and Data Profile Filter.
Case sensitivity
Select one of the following options to specify if the database is configured for case sensitivity:
  • - Auto. If you select this option, the resource uses the JDBC API and tries to find if the database is configured for case sensitivity. If the JDBC API is not available for the resource, the resource uses the not case sensitive mode.
  • - Case Sensitive. Select this option to specify that the database is configured for case sensitivity.
  • - Case Insensitive. Select this option to specify that the database is configured as case insensitive.
View definition extracting SQL
Specifies the database specific SQL query to retrieve the view definition text.
Synonyms lineage SQL
Specifies the database specific SQL query to retrieve the synonym lineage. The following are the two columns that the query returns:
  • - Full Synonym Name
  • - Full Table Name
Optional Scope
Specifies the database object types to import, such as Tables and Views, Indexes, and Procedures.
Specify a list of optional database object types that you want to import. The list can have zero or more database object types, which are separated by semicolons. For example, Keys and Indexes, and Stored Procedures.
Import stored procedures
Specifies the stored procedures to import.
The default value is True or False whatever the case might be.
Specify the memory value required to run a scanner job.
Specify one of the following memory values:
  • - Low
  • - Medium
  • - High
Note: For more information about the memory values, see the Tuning Enterprise Data Catalog Performance article on How To-Library Articles tab in the Informatica Doc Portal
JVM Options
JVM parameters that you can set to configure scanner container. Use the following arguments to configure the parameters:
  • - -Dscannerloglevel=<DEBUG/INFO/ERROR>. Changes the log level of scanner to values, such as DEBUG, ERROR, or INFO. Default value is INFO.
  • - -Dscanner.container.core=<No. of core>. Increases the core for the scanner container. The value should be a number.
  • - -Dscanner.yarn.app.environment=<key=value>. Key pair value that you need to set in the Yarn environment. Use a comma to separate the key pair value.
  • - -Dscanner.pmem.enabled.container.memory.jvm.memory.ratio=<1.0/2.0>. Increases the scanner container memory when pmem is enabled. Default value is 1.
  • - -DskipExternalDatabaseObjects=true. Excludes all external objects such as schema, table, database and view.
You can enable data discovery for a JDBC resource. For more information about enabling data discovery, see the Enable Data Discovery topic.
You can enable composite data domain discovery for a JDBC resource. For more information about enabling composite data domain discovery, see the Composite Data Domain Discovery topic.