Enterprise Data Catalog User Guide > Part I: Discovery > Data Preview and Provisioning > Data Provisioning

Data Provisioning

Data Provisioning is a process of transferring data from a source to target for further analysis and processing. Data Provisioning helps you quickly move data that you require in different source systems for ad-hoc analysis. When you perform data provisioning, the data gets transferred in a format that the target requires. For example, when you create a provisioning task with an Oracle source and Tableau target, the data gets transferred to the target in the Tableau Packaged Data Source (TDSX) file format.
A user who has access to the catalog can perform data provisioning. To perform data provisioning for assets in the resource, a user needs to have read, or read and write permissions for the resource in Catalog Administrator. You can create data provisioning tasks in the Data provisioning tab.
Enterprise Data Catalog uses a mapping and database connections from Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services to perform data provisioning.
You can create provisioning tasks for the following sources:
You can create provisioning tasks for the following targets:

Source and Target Connection Properties

Enterprise Data Catalog displays the connection properties depending upon the source and target type that you select while creating the provisioning task. The source connections include Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, Hive, Azure Microsoft SQL Server, Azure Microsoft SQL Data Warehouse, Teradata, Microsoft Azure Blob Storage, Salesforce, JDBC, Azure Data Lake Store, and Azure SQL Database. The target connections include Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Tableau, Amazon S3, Azure Data Lake Store, Google BigQuery, Google Cloud Storage, HDFS, JDBC, Microsoft Azure Blob Storage, Amazon Redshift, Teradata, Qlikview, Azure Microsoft SQL Data Warehouse, Hive, and Azure Microsoft SQL Server.

Amazon Redshift Connection Properties

The following table describes the connection properties for an Amazon Redshift source:
Source Connection Name
Name of the source connection.
Source Connection Type
Type of the source connection. The Amazon Redshift source connection.
Jdbc URL
URL of the Amazon Redshift V2 connection. Enter the JDBC URL in the following format: jdbc:redshift://<database_name><cluster_name>. <region_name>.redshift.amazonaws.com:<port_number>/<database_name>
Master Symmetric Key
The 256-bit AES encryption key in the Base64 format when you enable client-side encryption.
Customer Master Key
The customer master key ID or alias name generated by AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS).
User name of the Amazon Redshift account.
Password for the Amazon Redshift account.
Access Key ID
Access key to access the Amazon S3 bucket.
Secret access Key
Secret access key to access the Amazon S3 bucket.
S3 Bucket Name
Amazon S3 bucket name for staging the data. You can also specify the bucket name with the folder path. Use an Amazon S3 bucket in the same region as your Amazon Redshift cluster.
Batch Size
Minimum number of rows in a batch. Enter a number greater than 0. Default is 2000000.
Max Errors Per Batch Upload Insert
Number of error rows that causes an upload insert batch to fail. Enter a positive integer. Default is 1. If the number of errors is equal to or greater than the property value, the Secure Agent writes the entire batch to the error file.
WaitTime In Seconds For S3 File Consistency
Number of seconds to wait for the Secure Agent to make the staged files consistent with the list of files available on Amazon S3. Default is 0.
Transfer Manager Thread Pool Size
Number of threads to write data in parallel. Default is 10.
Minimum Upload Part Size
Minimum size of the Amazon Redshift object to upload an object. Default is 5 MB
The following table describes the connection properties for an Amazon Redshift target:
Select Target Type
Type of the target.
Target Connection
Type of the target connection. The Amazon Redshift target connection.
Jdbc URL
URL of the Amazon Redshift V2 connection. Enter the JDBC URL in the following format: jdbc:redshift://<database_name><cluster_name>. <region_name>.redshift.amazonaws.com:<port_number>/<database_name>
Master Symmetric Key
The 256-bit AES encryption key in the Base64 format when you enable client-side encryption.
Customer Master Key
The customer master key ID or alias name generated by AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS).
User name of the Amazon Redshift account.
Password for the Amazon Redshift account.
Access Key ID
Access key to access the Amazon S3 bucket.
Secret access Key
Secret access key to access the Amazon S3 bucket.
S3 Bucket Name
Amazon S3 bucket name for staging the data.You can also specify the bucket name with the folder path. Use an Amazon S3 bucket in the same region as your Amazon Redshift cluster.
Batch Size
Minimum number of rows in a batch. Enter a number greater than 0. Default is 2000000.
Max Errors Per Batch Upload Insert
Number of error rows that causes an upload insert batch to fail. Enter a positive integer. Default is 1. If the number of errors is equal to or greater than the property value, the Secure Agent writes the entire batch to the error file.
WaitTime In Seconds For S3 File Consistency
Number of seconds to wait for the Secure Agent to make the staged files consistent with the list of files available on Amazon S3. Default is 0.
Transfer Manager Thread Pool Size
Number of error rows that causes an upload insert batch to fail. Enter a positive integer. Default is 1. If the number of errors is equal to or greater than the property value, the Secure Agent writes the entire batch to the error file.
Minimum Upload Part Size
Minimum size of the Amazon Redshift object to upload an object. Default is 5 MB.
Target Asset Name
Target asset name. Specify the asset name that you want to create in the target.
If Asset Exists
Specify if you want to create a new asset in the target, or append the asset to an existing asset in the target. The Create New Asset option is selected by default.

Amazon S3 Connection properties

You can use Amazon S3 as a target when you create a provisioning task.
The following table describes the connection properties for an Amazon S3 source:
Source Connection Name
Name of the source connection.
Source Connection Type
Type of the source connection. The Amazon S3 source connection.
Folder Path
The complete path to the Amazon S3 objects. The folder path must include the bucket name and the folder name. Ensure that you do not use a forward slash at the end of the folder path. For example, <bucket name>/<my folder name>
Account Region Name
Name of the region where the Amazon S3 bucket is available and for which you generate the customer master key ID.
Access Key
The access key ID used to access the Amazon account resources. Required if you do not use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) authentication.
Note: Ensure that you have valid AWS credentials before you create a connection.
Secret Key
The secret access key used to access the Amazon account resources. The value is associated with the access key that uniquely identifies the account.
Master Symmetric Key
Provide a 256-bit AES encryption key in the Base64 format when you enable client-side encryption. You can generate a key using a third-party tool.
The following table describes the connection properties for an Amazon S3 target:
Select Target Type
Type of the target.
Target Connection
Type of the target connection. The Amazon S3 target connection.
Account Region Name
The name of the region where the Amazon S3 bucket is available and for which you generated the customer master key ID.
Folder Path
The complete path to the Amazon S3 objects. The folder path must include the bucket name and a folder name.
Access Key
The access key ID used to access the Amazon account resources.
Note: Ensure that you have valid AWS credentials before you create a connection.
Secret Key
The secret access key used to access the Amazon account resources. This value is associated with the access key and uniquely identifies the account. You must specify this value if you specify the access key ID. Required if you do not use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) authentication.
Master Symmetric Key
The 256-bit AES encryption key in the Base64 format when you enable client-side encryption.
Target Asset Name
Target asset name. Specify the asset name that you want to create in the target.
If Asset Exists
Specify if you want to create a new asset in the target, or append the asset to an existing asset in the target. The Create New Asset option is selected by default.
Note: The source asset replaces the target asset if the asset name exists in an Amazon S3 target.

Azure Data Lake Store Connection Properties

The following table describes the connection properties for an Azure Data Lake Store source:
Source Connection Name
Name of the connection.
Source Connection Type
Type of the source connection. The Azure Data Lake Store source connection.
Client ID
The ID of your application to complete the OAuth Authentication in the Azure Active Directory (AD).
File System Name
The name of an existing file system in the Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account.
Account Name
Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account name or the service name.
Client Secret Key
The client secret key to complete the OAuth Authentication in the Azure AD.
File Format
Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 format options. Specify Flat as the file format type.
The following table describes the connection properties for an Azure Data Lake Store target:
Select Target Type
Type of the target.
Target Connection
Type of the target connection. The Azure Data Lake Store target connection.
Client ID
The ID of your application to complete the OAuth Authentication in the Azure Active Directory (AD).
File System Name
The name of an existing file system in the Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account.
Account Name
Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account name or the service name.
Client Secret Key
The client secret key to complete the OAuth Authentication in the Azure AD.
File Format
Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 format options. You can specify one of the following file format types:
  • - Flat
  • - Avro
  • - Parquet
Target Asset Name
Target asset name. Specify the asset name that you want to create in the target.
If Asset Exists
Specify if you want to create a new asset in the target, or append the asset to an existing asset in the target. The Create New Asset option is selected by default.

Azure Microsoft SQL Data Warehouse Connection Properties

The following table describes the connection properties for an Azure Microsoft SQL Data Warehouse source:
Source Connection Name
Name of the source connection.
Source Connection Type
Type of the source connection. The Azure Microsoft SQL Data Warehouse source connection.
Name of the schema in Azure Microsoft SQL Data Warehouse.
Microsoft Azure Data Warehouse JDBC connection string. For example, enter the following connection string: jdbc:sqlserver://<Server>.database.windows.net:1433;database=<Database>
User name to connect to the Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse account. Provide AAD user name for AAD authentication.
Password to connect to the Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse account.
Account Name
Name of the Microsoft Azure Storage account to stage the files.
Account Key
Microsoft Azure Storage access key to stage the files.
Container Name
Microsoft Azure Blob Storage container name.
The following table describes the connection properties for an Azure Microsoft SQL Data Warehouse target:
Select Target Type
Type of the target.
Target Connection
Type of the target connection. The Azure Microsoft SQL Data Warehouse target connection.
Name of the schema in Azure Microsoft SQL Data Warehouse.
Microsoft Azure Data Warehouse JDBC connection string. For example, enter the following connection string: jdbc:sqlserver://<Server>.database.windows.net:1433;database=<Database>
User name to connect to the Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse account. Provide AAD user name for AAD authentication.
Password to connect to the Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse account.
Account Name
Name of the Microsoft Azure Storage account to stage the files.
Account Key
Microsoft Azure Storage access key to stage the files.
Container Name
Microsoft Azure Blob Storage container name.
Target Asset Name
Target asset name. Specify the asset name that you want to create in the target.
If Asset Exists
Specify if you want to create a new asset in the target, or append the asset to an existing asset in the target. The Create New Asset option is selected by default.

Azure Microsoft SQL Server Connection Properties

The following table describes the connection properties for an Azure Microsoft SQL Server source:
Source Connection Name
Name of the source connection.
Source Connection Type
Type of the source connection. The Azure Microsoft SQL Server source connection.
Host Name
Name of the machine hosting the database server.
Port Number
Network port number used to connect to the database server. Default port number is 1433.
Database Name
Database name for the Microsoft SQL Server target.
Schema Name
Schema used for the Microsoft SQL Server connection.
Authentication Type
Authentication method to access Azure Microsoft SQL Server.
User name for the database login. The user name cannot contain a semicolon.
Password for the database login. The password cannot contain a semicolon.
The following table describes the connection properties for an Azure Microsoft SQL Server target:
Select Target Type
Type of the target.
Target Connection
Type of the target connection. The Azure Microsoft SQL Server target connection.
Host Name
Name of the machine hosting the database server.
Port Number
Network port number used to connect to the database server. Default port number is 1433.
Database Name
Database name for the Microsoft SQL Server target.
Schema Name
Schema used for the Microsoft SQL Server connection.
Authentication Type
Authentication method to access Azure Microsoft SQL Server.
User name for the database login. The user name cannot contain a semicolon.
Password for the database login. The password cannot contain a semicolon.
Target Asset Name
Target asset name. Specify the asset name that you want to create in the target.
If Asset Exists
Specify if you want to create a new asset in the target, or append the asset to an existing asset in the target. The Create New Asset option is selected by default.

Google Cloud Storage Connection Properties

The following table describes the connection properties for a Google Cloud Storage target:
Select Target Type
Type of the target.
Target Connection
Type of the target connection. The Google Cloud Storage target connection.
Project ID
Specifies the project_id value present in the JSON file that you download after you create a service account. If you have created multiple projects with the same service account, enter the ID of the project that contains the bucket that you want to connect to.
Client Email
Specify the client email value present in the JSON file that you download after you create a service account.
Private Key
Specifies the private_key value present in the JSON file that you download after you create a service account.
File Format
Google Cloud Storage file format. You can specify one of the following file format types:
  • - Flat
  • - Avro
  • - Parquet
  • - JSON
Target Asset Name
Target asset name. Specify the asset name that you want to create in the target.
If Asset Exists
Specify if you want to create a new asset in the target, or append the asset to an existing asset in the target. The Create New Asset option is selected by default.

Google BigQuery Connection Properties

The following table describes the connection properties for a Google BigQuery target:
Select Target Type
Type of the target.
Target Connection
Type of the target connection. The Google BigQuery target connection.
Project ID
A unique identifier for the project. The project ID is composed of the project name and a randomly assigned number.
Storage Location
Path in Google Cloud Storage where you want to read or write data. You can either enter the bucket name or the bucket name and folder name. For example, enter<bucket name> or <bucket name>/<folder name>
Client Email
Specify the client email value present in the JSON file that you download after you create a service account.
Private Key
Specifies the private_key value present in the JSON file that you download after you create a service account.
Target Asset Name
Target asset name. Specify the asset name that you want to create in the target.
If Asset Exists
Specify if you want to create a new asset in the target, or append the asset to an existing asset in the target. The Create New Asset option is selected by default.

HDFS Connection Properties

The following table describes the connection properties for an HDFS target:
Select Target Type
Type of the target.
Target Connection
Type of the target connection. The HDFS target connection.
Name node URL
The URI to access HDFS.
Local Path
A local file system path to read data from or write data to.
Cluster Config Directory
The directory that contains the Hadoop configuration files.
Required to read data from HDFS. Enter a user name that has access to the single-node HDFS location to read data from or write data to.
File Format
File format options for a complex file target object.
File Directory
The directory location of one or more output files. Maximum length is 255 characters. If you do not specify a directory location, the output files are created at the location specified in the connection. If the directory is in HDFS, enter the path without the node URI. For example,/user/lib/testdir specifies the location of a directory in HDFS. The path must not contain more than 512 characters. If the file or directory is in the local system, enter the fully qualified path. For example, /user/testdir specifies the location of a directory in the local system.
File Name
Renames the output file. The file name is not applicable when you read or write multiple Hadoop Files V2s.
Target Asset Name
Target asset name. Specify the asset name that you want to create in the target.
If Asset Exists
Specify if you want to create a new asset in the target, or append the asset to an existing asset in the target. The Create New Asset option is selected by default.
Note: The Append Existing option does not apply to the HDFS target. Use the Create New Asset option.

Hive Connection Properties

The following table describes the connection properties for a Hive source:
Source Connection Name
Name of the source connection.
Source Connection Type
Type of the source connection. The Hive source connection.
Configuration Files Path
The directory that contains the Hadoop configuration files for the client.
The JDBC URL to connect to Hive.
The user name to connect to Hive in LDAP or None mode.
The password to connect to Hive in LDAP or None mode.
The following table describes the connection properties for a Hive target:
Select Target Type
Type of the target.
Target Connection
Type of the target connection. The Hive target connection.
Configuration Files Path
The directory that contains the Hadoop configuration files for the client.
The JDBC URL to connect to Hive.
The user name to connect to Hive in LDAP or None mode.
The password to connect to Hive in LDAP or None mode.
Target Asset Name
Target asset name. Specify the asset name that you want to create in the target.
If Asset Exists
Specify if you want to create a new asset in the target, or append the asset to an existing asset in the target. The Create New Asset option is selected by default.
Note: The Create New Asset option does not apply to the Hive target. Use the Append Existing option.

JDBC Connection Properties

The following table describes the connection properties for a JDBC source:
Source Connection Name
Name of the connection.
Source Connection Type
Type of the source connection. The JDBC source connection.
Host Name
Name of the machine that hosts the database server.
Connection URL
URL schema for the database.
Schema used for the JDBC connection.
User name for the database login. The user name cannot contain a semicolon.
Password for the database login. The password cannot contain a semicolon.
Commit Interval
Interval in rows between commits. Default is 100.
The following table describes the connection properties for a JDBC target:
Select Target Type
Type of the target.
Target Connection
Type of the target connection. The JDBC target connection.
Schema used for the JDBC connection.
Connection URL
URL schema for the database.
User name for the database login. The user name cannot contain a semicolon.
Password for the database login. The password cannot contain a semicolon.
Commit Interval
Interval in rows between commits. Default is 100.
Target Asset Name
Target asset name. Specify the asset name that you want to create in the target.
If Asset Exists
Specify if you want to create a new asset in the target, or append the asset to an existing asset in the target. The Create New Asset option is selected by default.
Note: The Create New Asset option does not apply to the JDBC target. Use the Append Existing option.

Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Connection Properties

The following table describes the connection properties for a Microsoft Azure Blob Storage source:
Source Connection Name
Name of the connection.
Source Connection Type
Type of the source connection. The Salesforce source connection.
Container Name
Microsoft Azure Blob Storage container name.
Endpoint Suffix
Type of Microsoft Azure end-points. Default is core.windows.net
Account Name
Microsoft Azure Blob Storage account name.
Account Key
Microsoft Azure Blob Storage access key.
Number of concurrent connections to Blob Store
The number of concurrent connections to Blob Store to upload files. Default is 4.
Write Strategy
Write strategy to append block to a blob.
Blob Type
Type of blob. The following options are available:
  • - Block Blob. Ideal for storing text or binary files, such as documents and media files.
  • - Append Blob. Optimized for append operations, for example, logging scenarios.
File Format
Define the format of the file. Configure the following format options:
  • - Delimiter: Delimiter character. You can configure other parameters such as comma, tab, colon, semicolon, or others.
  • - Text Qualifier: Character to qualify text. You can configure other parameters such as single quote or double quote.
  • - Escape: Escape character.
The following table describes the connection properties for a Microsoft Azure Blob Storage target:
Select Target Type
Type of the target.
Target Connection
Type of the target connection. The Microsoft Azure Blob Storage target connection.
Container Name
Microsoft Azure Blob Storage container name.
Endpoint Suffix
Type of Microsoft Azure end-points. Default is core.windows.net
Account Name
Microsoft Azure Blob Storage account name.
Account Key
Microsoft Azure Blob Storage access key.
Number of concurrent connections to Blob Store
The number of concurrent connections to Blob Store to upload files. Default is 4.
Write Strategy
Write strategy to append block to a blob.
Blob Type
Type of blob. The following options are available:
  • - Block Blob. Ideal for storing text or binary files, such as documents and media files.
  • - Append Blob. Optimized for append operations, for example, logging scenarios.
File Format
Define the format of the file. Configure the following format options:
  • - Delimiter: Delimiter character. You can configure other parameters such as comma, tab, colon, semicolon, or others.
  • - Text Qualifier: Character to qualify text. You can configure other parameters such as single quote or double quote.
  • - Escape: Escape character.
Target Asset Name
Target asset name. Specify the asset name that you want to create in the target.
If Asset Exists
Specify if you want to create a new asset in the target, or append the asset to an existing asset in the target. The Create New Asset option is selected by default.

Microsoft SQL Server Connection Properties

You can use Microsoft SQL Server as a source and target to create a provisioning task.
The following table describes the connection properties for a Microsoft SQL Server source:
Source Connection Name
Name of the source connection.
Source Connection Type
Type of the source connection. The Microsoft SQL Server source connection.
Host Name
Name of the machine hosting the database server.
Database name for the Microsoft SQL Server source.
Authentication Type
Authentication type for the connection.
Schema used for the Microsoft SQL Server connection.
Network port number used to connect to the database server. Default port number is 1433.
User name for the database login. The user name cannot contain a semicolon.
Password for the database login. The password cannot contain a semicolon.
The table describes the connection properties for a Microsoft SQL Server target:
Select Target Type
Type of the target.
Target Connection
Type of the target connection. The Microsoft SQL Server target connection.
Name of the machine hosting the database server.
Database name for the Microsoft SQL Server target.
Authentication Type
Authentication type for the connection.
Schema used for the Microsoft SQL Server connection.
Network port number used to connect to the database server. Default port number is 1433.
User name for the database login. The user name cannot contain a semicolon.
Password for the database login. The password cannot contain a semicolon.
Target Asset Name
Target asset name. Specify the asset name that you want to create in the target.
If Asset Exists
Specify if you want to create a new asset in the target, or append the asset to an existing asset in the target. The Create New Asset option is selected by default.

Oracle Connection Properties

You can use Oracle as a source and target to create a provisioning task.
The following table describes the connection properties for an Oracle source:
Source Connection Name
Name of the connection.
Source Connection Type
Type of the source connection. The Oracle source connection.
Host Name
Name of the machine that hosts the database server.
Database Name
Database name for the Oracle source.
Schema used for the Oracle connection.
Network port number used to connect to the database server. Default is 1521.
User name for the database login. The user name cannot contain a semicolon.
Password for the database login. The password cannot contain a semicolon.
The following table describes the connection properties for an Oracle target:
Select Target Type
Type of the target.
Target Connection
Type of the target connection. The Oracle target connection.
Host Name
Name of the machine that hosts the database server.
Schema Name
Schema used for the Oracle connection.
Port Number
Network port number used to connect to the database server. Default is 1521.
Database Name
Database name for the Oracle source.
User name for the database login. The user name cannot contain a semicolon.
Password for the database login. The password cannot contain a semicolon.
Target Asset Name
Target asset name. Specify the asset name that you want to create in the target.
If Asset Exists
Specify if you want to create a new asset in the target, or append the asset to an existing asset in the target. The Create New Asset option is selected by default.

QlikView Connection Properties

The following table describes the connection properties for a QlikView target:
Select Target Type
Type of the target.
Target Connection
Type of the target connection. The QlikView target connection.
Template File Path
The directory path to a sample QVX file from where the Secure Agent imports the Qlik metadata.
Target File Directory
The file path of the existing QVX file to which you want append or overwrite data. Ensure that the directory is located on the machine that hosts the Secure Agent.
Write Strategy
The operation type to write data to QVX file.
Target Asset Name
Target asset name. Specify the asset name that you want to create in the target.
If Asset Exists
Specify if you want to create a new asset in the target, or append the asset to an existing asset in the target. The Create New Asset option is selected by default.

Salesforce Connection Properties

The following table describes the connection properties for a Salesforce source:
Source Connection Name
Name of the connection.
Source Connection Type
Type of the source connection. The Salesforce source connection.
Service URL
URL of the Salesforce service. Maximum length is 100 characters. For example: https://login.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/47.0
User name for the database login. The user name cannot contain a semicolon.
Password for the database login. The password cannot contain a semicolon.
Security Token
Security token generated from the Salesforce application.

Tableau Online and Tableau Server Connection Properties

You can use Tableau as a target when you create a provisioning task.
The following table describes the connection properties for a Tableau target:
Select Target Type
Type of the target.
Target Connection
Type of the target connection. The Tableau target connection.
The ID of the site on Tableau Server or Tableau Online where you want to publish the .tdsx file.
Connection URL
The URL of Tableau Server or Tableau Online to which you want to publish the .tdsx file.
User name of the Tableau Server or Tableau Online account.
Password for the Tableau Server or Tableau Online account.
Target Operation
Creates, appends, or overwrites the .hyper file on the local machine, Tableau Server, or Tableau Online.
Project Name
Name of the project within a specific site on Tableau Server or Tableau Online where you want to publish the Tableau .hyper file. By default, the Tableau V3 connection publishes the .hyper file to the default project on the site that you specify on Tableau Server.
Note: You must enter the project name as Default to publish the .hyper file to the default project within a specific site on Tableau Server.
Target Asset Name
Target asset name. Specify the asset name that you want to create in the target.
If Asset Exists
Specify if you want to create a new asset in the target, or append the asset to an existing asset in the target. The Create New Asset option is selected by default.

Teradata Connection Properties

The following table describes the connection properties for a Teradata source:
Source Connection Name
Name of the connection.
Source Connection Type
Type of the source connection. The Teradata source connection.
The name or IP address of the Teradata database machine.
Database Name
The Teradata database name.
Database user name with the appropriate read and write database permissions to access the database. If you select KRB5 as the authentication type, you must specify the Kerberos user name.
Password for the database user name. If you select KRB5 as the authentication type, you do not need to specify the Kerberos user password.
The following table describes the connection properties for a Teradata target:
Select Target Type
Type of the target.
Target Connection
Type of the target connection. The Teradata target connection.
The name or IP address of the Teradata database machine.
Database Name
The Teradata database name.
Database user name with the appropriate read and write database permissions to access the database. If you select KRB5 as the authentication type, you must specify the Kerberos user name.
Password for the database user name. If you select KRB5 as the authentication type, you do not need to specify the Kerberos user password.
Target Asset Name
Target asset name. Specify the asset name that you want to create in the target.
If Asset Exists
Specify if you want to create a new asset in the target, or append the asset to an existing asset in the target. The Create New Asset option is selected by default.
For more information about connections, see the Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services Data Integration Connections guide.

Creating Provisioning Task

Create a data provisioning task so that you can transfer the data from a source to target. You can create multiple provisioning tasks. You can create provisioning tasks for table assets. Before you create a provisioning task, you must have the necessary source and target connections created in Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services.
Before you create a provisioning task, ensure that you have met the prerequisites in the Data Preview and Provisioning Prerequisites topic.
Before you proceed with the data provisioning process, ensure that you have met the prerequisites in
    1. From the Search Results page, open the asset that you want to transfer.
    The asset opens in the Overview tab.
    2. Click Data Provision to open the tab.
    3. Click New Task.
    The Source Connection section appears.
    4. In the Source Connection section, enter the user credentials for the data source.
    5. Click Next.
    The Target Connection section appears.
    6. In the Target Connection section, select the target type from the Select Target Type menu.
    7. Click Select Connection.
    The Select Target Connection dialog box appears.
    8. Select the target connection based on your requirements, and then click OK.
    Based on the target connection type, the Target Connection section refreshes and properties for the target connection appear.
    9. Specify the target connection details of a database to provision data to the target asset.
    10. Click Next.
    The Review section appears.
    11. In the Review section, review the configuration information. Optionally, click Back if you want to change the configuration information.
    12. Click Submitto complete the task.
    For more information about data provisioning, see the Data Provisioning and Enable Data Provisioning topics in the Catalog Administrator guide.
Alternatively, you can perform these tasks using the REST APIs. For more information, see the List Provisioning Tasks for a Task ID, Submit a Provisioning Task and Delete a Provisioning Task topics in the Enterprise Data Catalog REST API Reference guide.

Viewing Provisioning Task History

After you create a provisioning task, you can monitor the status of the task in the Provision Task History section. The section displays all the tasks that you create and task information in columns, such as Target, Status, and Submitted By.
The following image displays the Provision Task History section:
The image displays the Provision Task History section. The section displays columns, such as Target, Status, Submitted By, Submitted On, Complete On, and Error Message.