Enterprise Data Catalog User Guide > Part II: Analytics > Getting Started with Data Flow Analytics > Business Example

Business Example

You are a catalog user who wants to view statistical information about the mappings that exist in PowerCenter resources in your organization. You might want to visualize the mappings to gain useful insights and download the report that you can export to a third-party application. Additionally, you might want to view the mapping diagram for a mapping within a group or candidate to understand the data transformation logic.
The challenge is to categorize the large number of mappings based on predefined criteria so that the mappings are presentable in a format from which you can draw meaningful inferences.
The following table lists the specific analytical requirements and the corresponding feature in Data Flow Analytics that helps you to accomplish the tasks:
Data Flow Analytics Features
View statistical information about a mapping resource such as the number of mappings within the resource, resource discovery date, and mapping statistics.
To view resource specific statistical information, select the resource from the dashboard. To find a resource, use the search box or the sort options from the Dashboard page. You can then select a resource in the Mapping Discovery section to view information specific to a mapping type.
View the mapping diagram for a specific mapping within a group.
To view the mapping diagram for a mapping, in the table that contains the mappings, hover over the corresponding row in the last column, and click View Diagram.
Download a report that contains the statistics for each resource in a format that is suitable for exporting into a third-party application.
To download the report containing the statistics specific to the resource, click Download Report.
View all the groups or candidates associated with a mapping.
A mapping can be a part of multiple groups or candidates. To view mapping specific classification, select the mapping name from the table from the resource details page.