Certify Asset
You can certify an asset to endorse the asset so that other users can use the asset as a trustworthy one over the assets that are not certified. Certifying the asset indicates the reliability of the asset in the Catalog.
The data owner, data steward, and subject matter expert can certify and decertify the asset. When you decertify an asset, you remove the certification associated with the asset. You can certify data assets, such as the tables, views, files, columns, synonyms, and reports. You can add a description and a maximum of 10 tags to the asset when you certify an asset. You add tags to make the asset easily searchable in the catalog. You can also filter assets based on the certified assets. To certify the asset, ensure that you have the read and write permission for the DomainUsers resource in the Catalog Administrator.
For example, the data owner of the asset called TicketSalesDetails finds out that there are multiple assets with the same name as TicketSalesDetails in the Catalog. The data owner wants to ensure that the right asset is endorsed to the users as the duplicate assets did not contain the latest asset information. To highlight the right asset in the Search Results page, he certifies the asset by adding a description and tags so that you can easily search the for the asset and the asset is quickly available in catalog search results.
When you certify an asset with a tag and search for the tag, the certified asset appears at the top of the search results in the
Search Results page. To indicate that the asset is certified, Enterprise Data Catalog displays the certify icon (

) under the asset name in the
Overview tab and next to asset name in the
Search Results page.
Alternatively, you can perform these tasks using the REST APIs. For more information, see the
Object Certification APIs topic in the Enterprise Data Catalog REST API Reference guide.
Certifying an Asset
Certify an asset to endorse the asset in the catalog. The resource stakeholders, such as data owner, data steward, and subject matter expert, can certify all the assets in the resource.
1. From the overview tab of an asset, open the menu and select Certify Asset.
The Certify Asset dialog box appears.
2. Optionally, in the Certify Asset dialog box, add a comment and associate tags.
Note: You can add a maximum of 10 tags in the Add Tags field.
3. Click OK.
Enterprise Data Catalog displays the certified icon next to the asset name after you certify the asset.
Alternatively, you can perform this task using the REST APIs. For more information, see the
Create or Update Certification Properties for an Object topic in the Enterprise Data Catalog REST API Reference guide.
Decertifying an Asset
The data owner, data steward, and subject matter expert can decertify an asset. Decertify an asset if the asset contains obsolete information.
To decertify an asset, from the Overview tab of the asset, open the menu, and then select Decertify.
Alternatively, you can perform this task using the REST APIs. For more information, see the
Delete Certification Properties for an Object topic in the Enterprise Data Catalog REST API Reference guide.