Enterprise Data Catalog User Guide > Part II: Analytics > Configure Analytics Application > Configure Analytics Application Settings

Configure Analytics Application Settings

The Application Configuration page displays the Data Asset Analytics configuration settings on the Application and Server Settings tabs.
Each tab displays different configuration settings. On the Application tab, you can select the start date from when you want to view the analytics data for dashboard charts. You can specify the staging location where you want to view the log file and csv file details of the reports that you create. You can specify the minimum and maximum values that you want to use when you assign a data value for asset enrichments and resources on the Data Value tab. You can also specify the values that you want to use as the low, medium, and high range when you view the degree of collaboration chart.
On the Server Settings tab, you can enable the event purge setting and specify the time when you want to purge the processed event data from the staging location. You can specify the cache size limit that you want Data Asset Analytics to store. You can also specify the interval when you want Data Asset Analytics to remove the cache information.
You can view the Application Configuration page after the Informatica administrator assigns the Admin Management:Configuration privilege for you in the Catalog Service. For more information about privileges and permissions, see the Informatica Administrator for Enterprise Data Catalog guide.

Configuring Application Settings

The Application tab displays configuration settings in the General, Data Value, and Degree of Collaboration sections.
Use the General section to specify the start date from when you want to view the analytics data in dashboard charts, and specify the staging location where you want to store the executed reports and log file information in the server. Use the Data Value section to configure the minimum and maximum value of the data value calculator. Use the Degree of Collaboration section to configure the range based on which you want to catagorize the collaboration activities across resources. You can configure the range based on the Low, Medium, and High options.
    1. Click the Application Configuration icon (icon that looks like a toothed gear.).
    The Application tab appears on the Application Configuration page.
    2. In the General section, configure the following options:
    3. In the Data Value section, configure the following options:
    4. In the Degree of Collaboration section, configure the following options:
    5. Click Save.

Configuring Server Settings

The Server Settings tab displays configuration settings in the Event Load and Performance Cache sections.
Use the Event Load Settings section to configure the user account synchronization time frequency, enable the event purge, and specify the time when you want to purge the processed event data from the staging location. Use the Performance Cache Settings section to specify the cache size limit that you want Data Asset Analytics to store, and specify the interval when you want Data Asset Analytics to remove the cache information.
Note: Data Asset Analytics does not update the latest changes if you configure the Performance Cache Settings for more than once within 30 minutes of the previous configuration. It is recommended that you configure the cache settings after 30 minutes of the previous configuration.
    1. Click the Application Configuration icon (icon that looks like a toothed gear.).
    The Application Configuration page appears.
    2. Click Server Settings.
    The Server Settings tab appears.
    3. In the Event Load Settings section, configure the following options:
    4. In the Performance Cache Settings section, configure the following options:
    5. Click Save.