Creating a Report
Create and run reports based on asset information in the catalog. Create reports to analyze the catalog data based on the available report types. Create reports such as the asset count, asset enrichment, user logins, and user collaboration.
Perform the following steps to create a new report based on the existing report templates:
- 1. Click Reports from the left panel of the Data Asset Analytics tab. The Reports page appears with a list of existing reports.
- 2. Click New Report. The New Report dialog box appears with the list of existing report types that you can use.
- 3. Select a report type and click Create. The New Report < Report Template Name> page appears.
Note: A preview of the report appears at the bottom of the page in the Report Preview section with 50 rows of data displayed.
- 4. In the Report Name box, specify the name of the report. The name you specify must not exceed 50 characters in length. The name can include the following special characters: - (hyphen), @ (at sign), and _ (underscore).
- 5. In the Description box, specify a description for the report. Make sure that the description does not exceed 250 characters in length.
- 6. Select the required filters from the Filter by section to customize the report as required.
- 7. Click Save to save the report or Save and Run to save and generate the report.
After you run the report you can go to the
Monitoring page to view the status of the report run and download the report in CSV format. For more information about
Monitoring page, see the
Monitoring Report Status section.