Enterprise Data Catalog User Guide > Part II: Analytics > Analyze Dashboard > Dashboard Tabs

Dashboard Tabs

The Dashboard page contains out of the box analytical dashboards that you can view to understand the catalog data from different perspectives. The page displays key metrics at the top and key charts at the bottom of each tab that you view. You can view the charts based on the required time range.
The following tabs on the Dashboard page list the details:
User Adoption
View the key metrics and charts on this tab to analyze the users accessing the catalog. The key metrics show statistical information such as number of users who have access to the catalog, number of active users, number of searches, and user adoption rate. The key charts show analytical details such as the number of user logins, number of users added, number of searches performed by users, and the list of top 25 assets in the catalog based on the maximum number of views.
Data Asset Inventory
View the key metrics and charts on this tab to analyze the catalog based on the resources and assets in the catalog. The key metrics show statistical information such as the number of resources added, number of assets added, and number of asset and resource types in the catalog. The key charts show analytical details such as the top 15 resource types based on the number of resources of a specific type, asset and resource growth over a specified period of time, and the number of assets that had a change after they were added to the catalog.
Data Asset Enrichment
View the key metrics and charts on this tab to analyze the catalog based on the assets that are enriched with business titles, associated with data domains, and assets for which you can view the Lineage and Impact diagram. The key metrics show statistical information such as the number of business terms and data domains in the catalog, percentage of assets associated with business terms and data domains, and percentage of assets that include lineage and impact information. You can customize the charts based on the assets with business titles, business description, assets with lineage and impact details, and assets with all enrichments.
User Collaboration
View the key metrics and charts on this tab to analyze the catalog based on the assets with collaboration details. The key metrics show statistical information such as the number and percentage of assets with collaboration, number and percentage of users collaborating, number of questions, and percentage of responses to questions. The key charts show analytical details such as the number of collaboration activities across all resources, the percentage of total resources with collaboration details based on specified metrics, the list of top users who have collaborated, and the list of assets with the maximum collaboration by the users.
Data Value
View the key metrics and charts on this tab to analyze the catalog based on the value that you assigned to resources, asset enrichment, and collaboration. You can hover over key metrics to understand how the data value is calculated. The charts show the change in values over a specified time range and the usage value of Enterprise Data Catalog features based on their usage over a period of time. For more information about data values and configuring data values, see the Data Value and the Application Configuration sections.