Enterprise Data Catalog User Guide > Part I: Discovery > Catalog Backup and Log Collection Utilities > Performing a Catalog Backup

Performing a Catalog Backup

You can back up the catalog without stopping the Catalog Service. Also, you need not stop using Enterprise Data Catalog when you take a backup.
You can back up the catalog to a directory of your choice. You can perform the backup from the Catalog Backup Settings page.
When you perform a backup, you can view the catalog data and the catalog configuration details using the Enterprise Data Catalog applications. However, you cannot perform any configuration changes, updates, or add new resource or assets in Enterprise Data Catalog. The restricted tasks during backup include running resources, creating new resources, adding enrichments to resources, creating new connection assignments, and performing bulk imports.
Perform the following steps to back up the catalog:
  1. 1. Click Back Up Catalog from the left panel. The Catalog Backup Settings page appears.
  2. 2. Configure the following optional properties as required:
    1. a. In the Backup Path text box, enter the path to the directory where you want the catalog backup to be saved. By default, the backup is saved in <INFA_HOME>/logs/<NODE_NAME>/services/CatalogService/<SERVICE_NAME>/JobsStore/.
    2. Note: The content in the default backup directory is retained only for 24 hours. Also, the content in the default directory is lost when you restart the Catalog Service. Make sure that you specify a separate directory to store the backup or download the backup from the default directory.
    3. b. Select the store that you want to backup.
  3. 3. Click Download to start the backup job. The Monitoring Job Details page appears from where you can download the backup.