Reference Assets
Assets from reference resources are known as reference assets. A reference resource indicates that the resource you configured includes references from other data sources or resources. Enterprise Data Catalog displays reference resources and reference assets after you configure a resource to get references from other data sources in Catalog Administrator.
Search for reference assets and view the details about reference assets in the Overview tab.
The following image shows the Overview tab for a sample reference asset named Employee_Details:

You can view the following types of reference assets in Enterprise Data Catalog:
- Reference Data Sets
- A reference data set refers to a collection of data objects included in a reference resource. Examples include tables, views, synonyms, and public synonyms.
- Reference Data Elements
- A reference data element refers to any asset within a reference data set. For example, a column within a table, or view column within a view is a data element. Examples include columns, view columns, and fields.
- Reference Data Source
- A data source referred by a configured resource is a reference data source. For example, connections and schemas used in PowerCenter mappings.
You can perform the following tasks with reference assets:
- •Filter the search results based on reference resource and assets.
- •View lineage and impact information for a resource that includes reference resources and assets.
- •Annotate and enrich reference assets with custom attributes and business terms.
- •Perform a bulk export or import of the custom attributes, business term associations, and other enrichments on reference assets.
For more information about reference resources and assets, see the Manage Resources chapter in the Informatica 10.5 Catalog Administrator guide.