Catalog Administrator Guide > Managing Data Domains > Creating a Rule-based Data Domain

Creating a Rule-based Data Domain

You can create a rule-based data domain in Catalog Administrator. After you create a data domain, you can discover the data domain in data sources. You can edit predefined data domains and smart data domains in Catalog Administrator
    1. Click New > Data Domain.
    The New Data Domain wizard appears.
    2. In the Name field, enter a name for the data domain.
    Note: Do not include whitespace, numbers, or special characters except the at (@), hash ( #), or underscore (_) in the data domain name.
    3. In the Description field, enter a brief description of the data domain.
    4. Select one of the following options for the Specify Rules for this data domain field:
    5. To choose a data rule for the data domain, click Browse.
    6. In the Data Rule dialog box, choose one of the following rules:
    7. Click Select.
    The data rule appears in the Data Rule field.
    8. To choose a column name rule for the data domain, click Browse.
    9. In the Column Name Rule dialog box, choose one of the following rules:
    10. Click Select.
    The column rule appears in the Column Rule field.
    11. In the Conflict Resolution field, choose one of the following options:
    If you do not select any option from the Conflict Resolution field, Enterprise Data Catalog auto-accepts data domains based on the data rule results.
    12. Configure the following data conformance properties if you specify rules for the data domain:
    13. To add the data domain to multiple data domain groups, perform the following steps:
    1. a. Click Add in the Data Domain Groups pane.
    2. The Data Domain Groups dialog box appears.
    3. b. Select the data domain groups, and click Select.
    4. The list of data domain groups appears in Data Domain Groups pane.
    5. c. After you choose the data domain groups for the data domain, you can also remove a data domain group. Click Remove to remove a data domain group.
    14. If you specify rules for the data domain, you can also add multiple proximity data domains for the data domain.
    Perform the following steps to add a proximity data domain:
    1. a. In the Proximity Data Domains section, click Browse.
    2. The Data Domains dialog box appears.
    3. b. In the Data Domains dialog box, choose a data domain, and click Select.
    4. c. In the Proximity Data Domains section, click Add to add another proximity data domain.
    5. d. In the Proximity Data Domains section, click Remove to remove a proximity data domain.
    15. Click Save to save the data domain.