Catalog Administrator Guide > Custom Metadata Integration Overview > Custom Metadata Integration Workflow

Custom Metadata Integration Workflow

The custom metadata integration workflow starts with the definition of the custom model.
The workflow includes the following tasks:
  1. 1. Verify if you can reuse an existing model. For example, for a relational data source, you can use any of the relational models included in Enterprise Data Catalog.
  2. 2. Creating custom models that involve the following steps:
  3. 3. Register the custom model with the Catalog Administrator.
  4. 4. Create a custom resource type.
  5. 5. Select the models that you want to assign to the custom metadata template.
  6. 6. Use the CSV files in the custom resource type template to fill metadata and association details of the data source. You can also fill the transformation mapping details if you plan to view the transformation details between multiple data sources in the lineage diagram.
  7. 7. Create a custom resource and upload a ZIP file that includes the CSV files with data when you configure the resource.
  8. 8. Run the resource.
When the resource runs, Enterprise Data Catalog processes the metadata from the CSV files and ingests the metadata into the catalog.