Catalog Administrator Guide > Monitoring Enterprise Data Catalog > Monitoring Enterprise Data Catalog Overview

Monitoring Enterprise Data Catalog Overview

Monitoring Enterprise Data Catalog includes tracking the status and schedule of tasks. You can monitor the duration of the tasks that are running. You can also monitor the resource distribution in terms of the number of resources for each resource type.
The Overview workspace displays an overview of the monitoring statistics. You can view the number of resources for each resource type, task status details, and task schedule. To perform a detailed analysis of Enterprise Data Catalog performance, you can open the Monitoring workspace. The task status that you can monitor includes the number of tasks and their statuses, such as Complete, Failed, and Running. You can also view the number of tasks for each phase of the metadata extraction, such as metadata load, profile executor, and profile result fetcher. Open the log files for troubleshooting Enterprise Data Catalog tasks and further scrutiny. You can also filter and group by the jobs and tasks based on multiple factors.
The following image shows the Monitoring workspace:
The image displays the sample Monitoring workspace. The workspace displays statistical reports, such as the task status and task distribution. The workspace also displays the status of resource runs.