Catalog Administrator Guide > Metadata Extraction from Offline and Inaccessible Resources > Process


You can complete the process to extract and store metadata from offline sources or inaccessible sources and publish it to Enterprise Data Catalog in two stages.
In the first stage, an Enterprise Data Catalog user performs the following steps:
  1. 1. Generates a template for the resource configuration file based on the resource type.
  2. 2. Encrypts the password in the resource configuration file.
  3. 3. Edits the file to enter the connection details of the source and the encrypted password.
  4. 4. Validates the file to establish a connection to the source.
  5. 5. After the connection is established, the utility extracts the metadata and saves it to a metadata archive file.
In the second stage, an Enterprise Data Catalog administrator performs the following steps:
  1. 1. Validates the integrity of the metadata archive file.
  2. 2. Publishes the metadata to the catalog.
After the metadata is published to the catalog, you can view the data assets in Enterprise Data Catalog.