Catalog Administrator Guide > Metadata Extraction from Offline and Inaccessible Resources > Running the Scanner Script

Running the Scanner Script

To run the script, you can unzip the utility and run the script and its associated commands in a sequence to extract metadata from offline sources or inaccessible sources. After you extract the metadata, you can publish it to the Enterprise Data Catalog to view the data assets.
    1. Navigate to the <INFA_HOME>/services/CatalogService/ScannerCliUtility directory.
    2. Unzip the utility file to a local folder on your machine.
    3. Run the script command to view the supported commands and resource types.
    4. To view the CLI version of the machine, run the version command
    5. To generate a template of the resource configuration file for a resource, run the scanner. sh generateResourceConfig (-resourceType < resource_type >) (-output<path>) command.
    6. To encrypt the password, run the encryptPassword (<password>) command.
    7. To validate the file and establish a connection to the source, run the scanner. sh validate (- rcf < resource_config_file >) command.
    8. To scan, extract, and store the metadata in a metadata archive file, run the scanner. sh scan (- rcf <resource_config_file>) (-output <path>) command.
    9. To validate the metadata archive file located in the output folder, run the scanner. sh describeArchive (- arf < path_to_archive_file >) command. The output folder is located in the path that you enter for the -output parameter in the scan command.
    10. To publish the metadata to the catalog, run the scanner. sh publishArchive (-un < isp_user >) (-pd < isp_user_password >) (- sd < isp_security_domain >) (-dh < isp_gateway_host >) (- dp < isp_domain_port >) (- dn <fully_qualified_domain_name>) (- sn <catalog_service_name>) (- rn <resource_name>) (- arf <path_to_archive_file>) (-csh <catalog_service_hostname>) (-csp < command.
    11. Open Enterprise Data Catalog to search and view the data assets.