Enterprise Data Catalog Scanner Configuration Guide > Configuring Database Management Resources > SAP HANA


Create a resource based on the SAP HANA resource type to extract metadata from an SAP HANA data source. You need to specify the connection details when you configure the resource.

Objects Extracted

Enterprise Data Catalog extracts metadata from the following objects in an SAP HANA data source:

Permissions to Configure the Resource

Verify that you configure the following permissions for the username that you use to connect to the database:


Download the ngdbc.jar driver JAR files from the Internet and copy the files to the SapHanaScanner directory in the <INFA_HOME>/services/CatalogService/ScannerJars/externalDependencies directory. You must restart the Catalog Service.
Alternatively, you can perform the following steps to complete the prerequisites:
  1. 1. Download the ngdbc.jar JAR files from the Internet and include the drivers in the saphanaJars.zip file.
  2. 2. Copy the saphanaJars.zip file to the <INFA_HOME>/services/CatalogService/ScannerBinaries directory.
  3. 3. Open the <INFA_HOME>/services/CatalogService/ScannerBinaries/CustomDeployer/scannerDeployer.xml file and add the following lines in the file:
  4. <ExecutionContextProperty isLocationProperty="true" dependencyToUnpack="saphanaJars.zip"> <PropertyName>SAPHANAScanner_DriverLocation</PropertyName> <PropertyValue>scanner_miti/SAPHANA/Drivers</PropertyValue> </ExecutionContextProperty>
  5. 4. Save the scannerDeployer.xml file.
  6. 5. Recycle the Catalog Service.

Basic Information

The General tab includes the following basic information about the resource:
The name of the resource.
The description of the resource.
Resource type
The type of the resource.
Execute On
You can choose to execute on the default catalog server or offline.

Resource Connection Properties

The following table describes the resource connection properties:
Username to connect to the database.
Password to connect to the database.
Host name or IP address of the machine that hosts the database.
Port number of the machine that hosts the database. Default is 39013.
Name of the database instance.
The following table describes the Additional and Advanced properties for source metadata settings on the Metadata Load Settings tab:
Enable Source Metadata
Extracts metadata from the data source.
Import system objects
Imports system objects.
Specify the schemas for which you want to import metadata. If you do not specify any schema, Enterprise Data Catalog imports all schemas in the database.
To select the required schemas, perform the following steps:
  1. 1. Click Select. The Select Schema dialog box appears.
  2. 2. Select the list of schemas from the Schema list.
  3. 3. Click Select using regex if you want to specify an SQL query to identify the schema names that match the pattern in the query.
Source Metadata Filter
Specify a list of tables that you want to include or exclude when the resource collects metadata. Default is All, which includes all the tables in the database. You can specify a list of tables that you want to include or exclude by separating the table names with a semicolon (;). You can use expressions similar to SQL expressions along with the regular operators such as AND, OR, and NOT to include or exclude tables in the list of tables.
Import Stored Procedures
Select the option to import program objects from the database such as stored procedures and functions.
Case Sensitive
Select the option if you want to retain the case sensitivity for metadata in the lineage diagram.
Specify a list of package names that you want to import. Package names are case sensitive. Ensure that you separate package names with a semicolon (;). You can leave the option blank to import all the packages.
If you want to specify sub package names, ensure that you specify a sub package name in the following format: <package name>.<sub package name>.
Specify the memory value required to run a scanner job.
Specify one of the following memory values:
  • - Low
  • - Medium
  • - High
Note: For more information about the memory values, see the Tuning Enterprise Data Catalog Performance article on How To-Library Articles tab in the Informatica Doc Portal
Custom Options
JVM parameters that you can set to configure scanner container. Use the following arguments to configure the parameters:
  • - Dscannerloglevel=<DEBUG/INFO/ERROR>. Changes the log level of scanner to specific values such as DEBUG, ERROR, or INFO. Default value is INFO.
  • - Dscanner.container.core=<No. of core>. Increases the core for the scanner container. The value should be a number.
  • - Dscanner.yarn.app.environment=<key=value>. Key pair value that you need to set in the YARN environment. Use a comma to separate multiple key-pair values.
  • - Dscanner.pmem.enabled.container.memory.jvm.memory.ratio=<1.0/2.0>. Increases the scanner container memory when pmem is enabled. Default value is 1.
  • - -DINFA_TRUSTSTORE=<trust store path>. Path to the Informatica truststore file.
  • - -DINFA_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD=<trust store encrypted key>. Encrypted truststore password.
Track Data Source Changes
View metadata source change notifications in Enterprise Data Catalog.