Enterprise Data Catalog User Guide > Part II: Analytics > Analyze Reports > Reusing an Existing Report to Create a New Report

Reusing an Existing Report to Create a New Report

You can reuse an existing report on the Reports page to create a new report.
Perform the following steps to reuse an existing report to create a new report:
  1. 1. Click Reports from the left panel of the Data Asset Analytics tab. The Reports page appears with a list of existing reports.
  2. 2. Click an existing report based on your requirement. The <Report Name> dialog box appears.
  3. 3. Click on the dialog box and select Copy from the drop-down list. The confirmation dialog box appears.
  4. Note: Alternatively, to copy the report, you can click the icon that appears beside the report when you move the mouse pointer over the report name.
  5. 4. Click OK. The New Report <Report Template Name> page appears.
  6. 5. Follow the steps from step 4 through step 7 listed in the Creating a Report section to create a report.