How to map a MediaAssetDocumentAttributes field in Items/Products/Variants table view

In the standard Product 360 there are several predefined transition fields with which the corresponding MediaAssetDocumentAttributes are able to be shown in the Items/Products/Variants views. Customer can also map a desired MediaAssetDocumentAttributes field to those views in the same way.

The following example indicates how the standard field MediaAssetDocumentAttributes.FilenameHMM is mapped to the Items view.

  1. Define a transition field which maps the MediaAssetDocumentAttributes.FilenameHMM to ArticleMediaAssetMap.MediaAsset.

  2. Add a property entry in the for each language which defines the display name of the mapped column in the view.

    transitionfield.ArticleToMediaAssetDocument.FilenameHMM.nameFromTop = File name (Media Manager) ({ArticleMediaAssetMapType.LK.MediaAssetType##Media Asset type selectable}, {../MediaAssetDocumentType.LK.Language#Language selectable}, {../MediaAssetDocumentType.LK.Quality#Quality selectable})
  3. Then the corresponding transition field can be selected from the Items view and shows the file name of the assigned media asset document in a column.


  1. The similar transitions fields have to be separately defined if this attribute should be also shown in the Products/Variants view. E.g. check the standard transition field Product2GToMediaAssetDocument.FilenameHMM which maps this field to the Product view.

  2. For a customer field(e.g. a media manager property field) it should be defined at first as a field under the sub entity MediaAssetDocumentAttributes in repository, after that this new field can be mapped with a transition field.