Development Tips

Development Training

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xQuery syntax is easy to lookup online

Document all Design Decisions made

Best Practice

Have a method to check your code against best practice

Using Rest Calls from ActiveVOS to PIM

For any call that is to be made from ActiveVOS to pim,

  • Document what that call is

  • Test the call standalone to get control performance metrics

  • Document the expected frequency of this call

  • Test to see whether the call can be made in bulk or not (Document if this can CANNOT be changed to a bulk call at a future date)

  • Consider the Authorization method

    • In the Header

    • In the policy - at the moment this is more efficient - Pim, ActiveVOS 9.2.4)

  • Consider the order of rest calls.

  • Consider combining rest calls

    • Combining rest calls meaning get more fields in one call instead of separate calls

    • In the case of combining rest calls make a measurement of the performance separately and combined

    • If it is more efficient to call separately document this

Project Hierarchy

Document your Project hierarchy. this can also be used for the deployment order

Common Development Errors

Unexpected $

Expression should be XQuery not xPath

Unexpected <

Expression should be XQuery not xPath

Cannot add a child at this point

Usually you are copying an element instead of the data in the element, try adding /text()

Zero nodes selected, where a single node is required

You may be pointing to the wrong element / typo

Your statement may be in the wrong place

150 nodes selected, where a single node is required

You may have forgotten an index []

you may be pointing to the wrong element