REST Transition Fields

The REST List Read API supports so-called transition fields. The syntax for such transition fields is documented on this page

The PIM repository supports proxy fields which reference other repository entities. When fields of such referenced entities are accessed in the context of the referencing entity, they are called transition fields. Transition fields have a source and a target field, which can in turn be transition fields. Therefore it is possible to traverse recursively to a target field. All fields along this transition path need to be fully qualified.

An example would be the object "Article" and it's field "Article.Status". Each item has a quality status, whose content resides in the "QualityStatus" object. If we want to obtain the quality status of a certain item for a specific data quality rule, we need to use a transition field with target "QualityStatusEntry.Status" and proper qualification for the "rule" logical key.



Transition field: <Fully qualified field> -> ... -> <n-Fully qualified field>



Fully qualified field

A fully qualified field as described in REST Field Qualification. The field on the left of the arrow (->) must be a proxy transition field pointing to another repository object, as e.g.

  • Article.Status

  • ArticleStructureMap.StructureGroup

  • ArticleLogistic.PackageWeightUnitID

Make sure to have a space before and after the arrow, otherwise it will be interpreted as part of the field name, which most likely will not be correct.


  • The quality status of an item of rule "CheckValidGTIN":
    Article.Status -> QualityStatusEntry.Status(CheckValidGTIN)

  • The quality status of a structure group of rule "CheckValidName" where an item is assigned to:
    ArticleStructureGroupMap.StructureGroupProxy('ETIM3.0', 'shoes'@'ETIM3.0') -> StructureGroup.Status -> QualityStatusEntry.Status(CheckValidName)