Installing File Server

Before you can start using Product 360 - Media Manager, certain requirements must be met on the file server.

The installation documentation is intended for Informatica system partners. In-proper handling can cause damage to the data and result in data losses.

Carry out the steps described below to set up the Product 360 - Media Manager volumes on your file server.
To install the Product 360 - Media Manager database, you require the file PIM_<Version> from your Product 360 distribution

  1. Uncompress PIM_<Version> from your Product 360 distribution to your local computer

  2. Copy the Volume0 directory to a server volume to which all client computers used have read and write access. The Volume0 directory contains the example files for the sample company and the directory structure required for Product 360 - Media Manager.

  3. In addition to Volume0, a BufferVolume must also be created, which is used to temporarily store pipeline conversions and as a spool directory for the funcd and backd programs. The recommended name for this buffer volume is BufferVolume. This folder has to be in the same directory as the Volume0 folder. A template buffer volume matching the standard setup database resides in the main directory of your uncompressed zip file.

The procedure is different depending on whether you are using Windows or Macintosh OS X.

  • Apple Macintosh OS X: Switch to the Setup:HMM directory and copy the help%0 and update directories to Volume0 on your file server, to the opasdata directory.

  • Microsoft Windows: Run SetupIMM.exe in the setup directory on your Product 360 - Media Manager DVD and follow the instructions. Finally, rename the created folder from updateYY_MM_DD to update.