ECCnet Accelerator


Throughout the lifecycle of a product, information is needed across many different parties. Manufacturers and brands constantly create and update product information. Retailers need to ensure they have always access to reliable, complete and up-to-date product information to comply with changing regulations and increasing consumer expectations requesting instant access to information through various channels. But product data integrity and quality is at risk due to the silo’s nature of applications where this data resides. Retailers selling products are constantly challenged with insufficient, inaccurate product data across their warehouses, stores or online.

GS1 Canada's ECCnet Registry is Canada's national product registry. This product information catalogue service, is the most comprehensive registry of continually validated product data of its kind in Canada. ECCnet is a single point of access between trading partners for electronically sharing accurate product data based on global standards in Canada. By automating the new product listing and product change processes, ECCnet Registry reduces human error, improves product visibility in the supply chain, and speeds access to critical product information between trading partners.

The Accelerator for GS1 Canada’s ECCnet allows receiving new or updated product information from suppliers via ECCnet within the MDM – Product 360 business user interface.


Communicating with ECCnet

Product 360 leverages ECCnet API calls to login, search, subscribe and update product data from ECCnet directly. Only the attributes that are mapped to the defined data model are retrieved to the selected item or items. P360 sends back the appropriate acknowledgement based on whether the item has been subscribed or not.

There are many benefits of using the ECCnet Accelerator:

  • Access ECCnet within Product 360 to receive new or updated product information from your suppliers

  • Increase efficiency for product listings thanks to automation of product data exchange

  • Increase time to market thanks to streamlined collaboration and communication with your suppliers (one-time product data loading only)

  • Build brand trust based on GS1 standards

  • Increase customer loyalty thanks to accurate, complete and up-to-date product information

Features of the Accelerator

  • Built in connectivity to ECCnet registry

  • API’s to configure additional functionality if required

  • Search for items of a manufacturer and retrieve those from the ECCnet data pool

  • Schedule daily/weekly/monthly checks for updates on an a catalog and return the list of items that can be updated

  • Batch update all ECCnet catalogs or pick an individual catalog

  • Turn on privileges for certain suppliers to access, view and execute ECCnet functionality

  • Define internally who can access, view and execute ECCnet functionality

  • Receive status Messages on success or failure of the calls

ECCnet Accelerator Features

The ECCnet accelerator consists of three main features. The first one is the data model extension. For ECCnet, we updated our data model and UI’s to support the most commonly used attributes by our customers. The second one is a comprehensive list of functionalities to support searching, extracting and updating of item data from ECCnet registry. The third being support for suppliers to access ECCnet functionality if the customer chooses to. The following sections cover details on these features in detail.