Import and Export of IDQ Mapplet Files


  1. Open the import wizard using the menu entry File / Import

  2. Choose entry Informatica / Import Object Metadata File (Basic)

  3. Enter the XML file containing the Mapplets

  4. Select Informatica_DQ_Content on the left and IDQ_Repository_Service (top element) on the right side and press the Add to Target button.
    Then select Informatica_PIM_Content on the left and IDQ_Repository_Service (top element) on the right side and press the Add to Target button.

  5. The result should look similar to the screenshot below. Press next,

  6. Specify the zip file containing the reference data

  7. In the summary sheet you may adjust the Target connection (seems to be dependent on the installation). In our case it is refdata.
    Press Finish.



  1. Select project Informatica_PIM_Content

  2. Open the export wizard using the menu entry File / Export

  3. Select on first page of Export wizard entry Export Object Metadata File


  4. Choose project IDQ_Repository_Service\Informatica_PIM_Content on the second page.
    It is recommended to stick to a project folder structure that has all custom rules in a single folder like "Custom_Rules"

  5. Choose the rules you want to export and the destination file (has to end with .xml) on the third page.
    Only choose custom rule files. Never re-export OOB rule mapplets.

  6. Press Next on the forth page which shows the dependencies

  7. Just press Finish on the fifth page which controls the export of the reference tables and the probabilistic models
