Prevent deletion of assets used in Product 360

Installing the master asset support web services

Product 360 - Server provides two web services used by Product 360 - Media Manager, "isDerivationDefinitionInUse" and "isMediaAssetInUse".

To ensure that these are activated in Product 360, you have to check that the plugin is located in the C:\Informatica\server\plugins folder.

To check if the web services are available after the Product 360 - Server starts, enter the corresponding URL in your browser:


The value of the {host} and {port} are defined in NetworkConfig.xml. E.g. if the server node has a "host" attribute with "localhost" and the "http port" is set as 1512, then the URL will be http://localhost:1512/services/MediaAsset?wsdl

And the result should be:


The URL called to check the usage of an asset looks like


Media Manager Web

Enable the connection between the Media Manager Web application and Product 360 Server in the config file


<HPM_REST_active input="ON" />

to enable the REST service check.

The following values are required in addtion

<HPM_REST_SERVER input="http://P360_SERVER:P360_REST_PORT/" />
<HPM_REST_USER input="restUser" />
<HPM_REST_PASSWORD input="restUserPassword" />

The REST Service returns the used Product 360 objects for a asset. If the asset if used in Product 360 the web application do not allows to delete the asset.