Installation Troubleshooting

In case the application doesn't work, you might try the following:


Possible solution

Building search index failed on Product 360 Desktop in the Process Overview Perspective → Publications → Full-text search

  • Literal errors: The index configuration is not error tolerant. You have to use the exact entity, sub-entity and field identifier definition from Product 360. Please have a look to the index example how it should look like.

    • Time to time the example files will be updated to demonstrate the new supported index settings.

  • There are no read permission of some entities, sub-entities or fields to the user triggering the indexing.

  • There are no export purpose of some entities, sub-entities or fields to the user triggering the indexing.

  • Product 360 Server is running without variants although the search index configuration is based on variants.

  • The search index configuration defines a catalog which is unknown in Product 360.

No search results

Please check:

  • Product 360 Server and Elasticsearch Server is available

  • Index build was successful

    • Check the job summary in Process Overview Perspective → Publications → Full-text search

  • Use for the first time an asterisk '*' as a search string

  • Check all index configuration settings in:

    • <PIM_SERVER_INSTALLATION_ROOT>\server\configuration\HPM\

    • <PIM_SERVER_INSTALLATION_ROOT>\server\configuration\HPM\

  • May be the Product 360 data has not anything which matches the search string

Drill-Down functionality does not work

Please check in the index configuration:

  • Define more than one entity in the rootEntities

  • Define parentIdentifier key in the child root entity

    • E.g. For "Article" define parentIdentifier = "Product2G", for a 2PPD system

    • E.g. For "Article" define parentIdentifier = "Variant" and for "Variant" define parentIdentifier = "Product2G" for a 3PPD system

  • In the export modules, define a field "RecordJoin" which joins the child record to its parent record.

  • In the export modules, define a field "routing" which routes the child record to where its parent record is located.

    • In a 2PPD system, both Product2G record and Article record should have the same routing key and the routing key is defined by the Product2G record.

    • In a 3PPD system, Product2G record, Variant record and Article record should have the same routing key and the routing key is defined by the Product2G record.

Object rights will not be considered

Object rights field i.e. "Acl" field of Item, Variant and Product2G entities will be automatically added to the index configuration.

In the export modules, the "Acl" field needs to be populated -

  • Product2G → "Acl":"{&Product.Object rights.Internal identifier}"

  • Article → "Acl":"{&Item.Object rights.Internal identifier}"

  • Variant → "Acl":"{&Variant.Object rights.Internal identifier}"