Supplier Portal Migration

To update an existing installation of Product 360 Supplier Portal, please run the following steps:

On the Product 360 Supplier Portal Server

  • Stop your Product 360 Supplier Portal Windows service "Informatica Product 360 - Supplier Portal"

  • Uninstall the old service by running following command in a Windows console ( replace <SERVICE_NAME> with your Services Service Name, default: ISP )

  • Make a backup of your current <INSTALLATION ROOT>/configuration and <INSTALLATION ROOT>/filestorage directories.

  • Unzip the installation package "PIM_<Version>" into your new NEW_INSTALLATION ROOT directory.

    1. After unzipping merge the new <INSTALLATION ROOT>/configuration/ with the configuration file backed up previously. See Product 360 Supplier Portal Release Notes for new or updated configuration options that may be added, changed or removed. Database migrations are applied during the first server start, so please ensure your database connection parameters are still valid.

    2. Replace the new <INSTALLATION ROOT>/configuration/logback.xml with the one you back up previously.

    3. Replace the new <INSTALLATION ROOT>/filestorage directory with the one you back up previously.

  • Install the new service by running following command in a Windows console ( replace <SERVICE_NAME> with your Services Service Name, default: ISP )


Check the windows services control panel and start the service "Informatica Product 360 - Supplier Portal" if not starting automatically. Verify the startup type is set to "Automatic".

Adjust database connection string (MSSQL only)

Since a different database connection string is required to connect to the Supplier Portal database. The database connection is defined in the <INSTALLATION ROOT>/configuration/ file.

Adjust the value for property database.driverClassName.mssql with value

and database.url.mssql with value jdbc:sqlserver://${database.server}:${database.port};databaseName=${}.

Previous versions used the jTDS database driver pattern. jTDS has been replaced by Microsoft's JDBC driver.