Updating the Product 360 - Media Manager database

Automatic database update

If you haven't changed the default settings of the Product 360 Server, the Product 360 Media Manager web application and Product 360 Process Engine will perform the database update automatically. You only have to perform the following database update steps if you've turned that off.

Automatic database update is only possible if your current version is at least Product 360 version 8.1.

If you're migrating from a version older than 8.1, you have to perform the database update steps as described in chapter 'Legacy versions'.

Manual database update

The Manual database update tool can be found in the archive PIM_<Version>_MediaManager.zip at sub folder \MAIN_DVD\setup\manual database updater.


  1. Unzip MediaManagerDatabaseUpdate-linux-<Version>.zip.
    Run configure.sh once to set the +x flags.

  2. Run updateDatbaseHelp.sh for parameter details.

  3. Run updateDatabase.sh to perform the database update.

  4. Check the protocol in the /logs folder.


  1. Unzip MediaManagerDatabase-win-<Version>.zip.

  2. Run updateDatabaseHelp.bat for parameter details.

  3. Run updateDatabase.bat to perform the database update.

  4. Check the protocol in the \logs folder.

Manual database update is only possible if your current version is at least Product 360 version 8.1.

If you're migrating from a version older than 8.1, you have to perform the database update steps as described in chapter 'Legacy versions'.

Legacy versions

Legacy versions are all versions below Product 360 - Media Manager 8.1.

To use the Automatic or Manual database update as described above the database needs to updated to version 8.1 at least.

Migration example starting at version 8.0

If you are updating from version 8.0, you need to apply version 8.1 first. Find the required steps below.

After you have migrated the Media Manager database to version 8.1 you can use the Automatic or Manual database update to migrate to the latest version.

For updating a Product 360 - Media Manager legacy version database, you require the file PIM_<Version>_MediaManager.zip from Product 360 version 8.1 or 8.1.1 distribution.
The procedure for update your Product 360 - Media Manager database is as follows:

  1. Uncompress the file PIM_<Version>_MediaManager.zip on your Windows computer.

  2. Navigate to the folder \Setup\win\update database of the uncompressed archive.

  3. Run the program HMM__upd.exe.

  4. Select the file OPAS-G.ini from your local Product 360 - Media Manager installation.

  5. Click on Start to update and extend your database tables.

When the process is complete, you will find a log file with the name YYMMDD.TXT – where YY represents the year, MM the month and DD the day – in the update subfolder of your local Product 360 - Media Manager installation.

Since It is not longer necessary to authenticate with the admin user.

When you use an Oracle database and you want to update from version 5.4 to 5.5 it's necessary to run the long raw conversion before, otherwise the update program will refuse to commence. The conversion tool is located in the module Administration!

When you use an Oracle database and you want to update from version 5.4 to 5.5 the update program automatically converts every varchar2(3) column to a short integer column. This conversion may take a long time, depending on the structure of your data. Because of that it is recommended that you plan your update window on a date when you can accept a certain down-time of your system. The procedure for updating an existing Product 360 - Media Manager database is as follows: