Export - UNC path cache

What is the UNC path cache? How does it work? What limitations are to be considered?

Export - UNC path cache

When do you need it?

You have to export many unc paths of media assets and you use a Media Portal asset provider.
The Media Portal calls for each single unc path take time and slow down the export.

What is it?

If the cache is activated, all unc paths are requested in one package from the Media Portal server before the export starts, and stored in the cache. During export the unc paths are read from this cache.

How can you activate it?

Adjust the plugin_customization.ini file, set the value for com.heiler.ppm.export.core/use_unc_path_cache parameter to true.

What are the limitations?

  • works only with "simple" parameters for the export functions MimeDerivateGetUNCPath and MimeGetUNCPath

  • allowed parameter values are

    • "Multimedia document identifier" parameter:
      data field "Media-Asset.Document identifier"

    • "Quality of the multimedia document" parameter:

      • field "Media-Asset.Quality"

      • a static string

      • a variable (datatype "media asset quality")

  • not allowed: nested tokens such as export function calls, e.g.

    {?Compare "value_1", "value_2", "quality_1", "quality_2"}
  • not allowed: use data fields of another data type than the module's data type, e.g. use a data field of a main module within a sub module:
