
The entity “Article” is representative for the entities “Variant” and “Product” as well. These entities are all based on the same type and physical data model.

Which information is finally provided and maintained on which level is decided on a more logical business driven level.

The figure shows a more detailed but still high level view on the entity “Article” and its sub-entities.


Copyright © Heiler Software AG, 2012



Sub-entity description



Detail information of the Article. Non-language dependent. E.g. Manufacturer name, manufacturer item id, GTIN, etc.


Trading information like order units, content unit, minimum order quantity, or lead time, etc.


Relationship to one or more suppliers providing the Article including specific information valid in the context of this relationship only (e.g. the supplier’s item id)


Relationship between Articles. Typically merchandising relations of the “cross-selling”, “up-selling”, “accessories”, etc.


Surcharges of different types used in specific areas of products of some industries.


Logistic information of Articles like weights, measures, etc. Might be territory dependent.


All language dependent text information like names, descriptions and long descriptions.


Free list of attributes used to provide product type specific information like technical attributes. A list of key-value pairs where the attribute’s name as well as the value are language dependent. An attribute may have additional information like a unit.


The assignment of the Article to a certain structure system. Structure systems in PIM are hierarchies representing taxonomies or other classifications of the products information. The assignment points to a certain structure group (a node of leaf in the hierarchy, a class or category). An Article might be categorized in multiple structure systems.


Special treatment flags for e.g. hazardous materials used in specific areas of products of some industries.


The assignment of digital assets (mainly images and text documents, but also videos, audios). Medias are differentiated by a type the documents assigned represent the different formats or qualities the media asset is available in. For images these are the different derivatives of the images used for different output channels.


Price information of the Article. Prices differ in price type, currency, territory of validity, a period of time of validity and might be buyer-specific. Scaled prices dependent on the buying volume are supported.


Flexible data entity where additional information can be provided, diffenciated by a type. Optionally the information might be language dependent, buyer-specific and/or territory-specific.