Pre-Installation Checklist

Product 360 - Web Search is installed as a part of Product 360 - Server Installation. Product 360 - Web Search is powered by Elasticsearch and the Elasticsearch server needs to be installed separately.

Elasticsearch is a third party application neither developed nor shipped directly by Informatica. Therefore it is recommended to check install and guideline documentation directly on the website of the vendor to follow best practices.

Version Requirement

Product 360 - Web Search is compatible with Elasticsearch version 7.x

License Requirement

The Elasticsearch server is available under multiple different licenses.

  • Basic (Elastic License) or higher license is recommended

System Requirements

It is recommended that you deploy the Elasticsearch server separately on a single machine or cluster of machines. With the data volume increase, extra nodes should be added in cluster for better performance

Memory Requirement

The Elasticsearch server needs lot of memory, that is completely allocated at start time ensuring a fast search index build and a web search.

  • 32 GB is recommended

    • In case of indices having multi-PPD hierarchy and large amount of data, then RAM may need to be increased

Elasticsearch heavily relies on the filesystem cache in order to make search fast. In general, at least half the available memory should go to the filesystem cache.

Hardware Requirement

The Elasticsearch server needs fast drives and fast CPU, that is completely allocated at start time ensuring a fast search index build and a web search.

  • 512 GB SSD is recommended

  • 8 CPU cores is recommended

    • In case of indices having multi-PPD hierarchy and large amount of data, then number of CPU may need to be increased

It is recommended to always use local storage, remote filesystems should be avoided.

Security Requirement

It is recommended to enable the security pack provided by Elasticsearch, so that Product 360 - Web Search can communicate with Elasticsearch over a secured HTTPS connection.

Elasticsearch security

It is recommended to secure the Elasticsearch cluster in all aspects by following the steps from official documentation at

Further Reading

It is recommended to follow the best practices and settings guidance defined in the Elasticsearch website while setting up the Elasticsearch server.

Elasticsearch Installation on Windows