Required Workflows

It is mandatory to deploy these 2 workflows to ensure an error-free operation of the components Product 360 Server and BPM server.

  • The Business Process Archive P360_BPM_Management.bpr contains a workflow to terminate workflow process instances provided as parameter. This workflow is needed for the Product 360 "Terminate workflow" functionality and therefore has to be deployed to the Informatica BPM Server. This action is available as worklfow task action in the Product 360 web UI as well as in the Desktop client.

  • The Business Process Archive P360_JMS_Core.bpr contains the workflow which consumes an Active Message Queue and routes the message to the corresponding workflow in the BPM server.


Since there is a dependency between these 2 workflows it is necessary that you the deploy the workflows in the following order:

  1. P360_JMS_Core.bpr

  2. P360_BPM_Management.bp

Informatica BPM Installation

Installation of the Informatica BPM service

For the installation of the Informatica BPM service it is recommended to follow the official installation guide at

In the Prerequisites chapter you can find the information about database servers supported for ActiveVOS and additional information about database drivers which are supported. The drivers themselves are not included in the installation package of ActiveVOS and should be get from database vendor.

In the past there were some issues occurred during installation of ActiveVOS if the database schemas have been already created before installation.
So please remember to uncheck “Install database schema” if empty DB is already created and to check the “Install database schema” option if database schema should be created during installation of ActiveVOS.


Webserver and Java

A good start is to use the integration with Apache Tomcat as container where Informatica BPM service will be deployed to.

We recommend to use a container version equal or newer to Apache Tomcat 8.5.51.

Make sure to use Java 8 as runtime for the Informatica BPM service by setting the necessary environment variables for example.

Adjusting the webserver to support non SSL port

The Informatica BPM web endpoint does enforce SSL by default. To disable that behavior it is possible to set a JVM property:


Integrated Security

It's possible to configure the "Informatica BPM" Server to use integrated Security for MS SQL Server connection. In this case the configuration files do not contain sensitive security data like database user and password of the database user.

The configuration can be made during the installation and initial configuration of "Informatica BPM" Server and as a post-configuration for already existing installations.

Configuration during installation

In this case it's better to use the silent installation and configuration mode

  1. Create a Windows service user which will be used to execute BPM Server. (e.g. INFA\bpm-service)

  2. Create the same user as MSSQL Server user and configure this user to use Windows Authentication (INFA\bpm-service)

  3. Create manually a new ActiveVOS database and configure the owner of this database to newly created user (INFA\bpm-service).

  4. Install the Webserver (in our case it's Apache Tomcat) and copy the SQL Server driver class and the additional dll (sqljdbc42.jar and sqljdbc_auth.dll) in the lib folder of Tomcat

  5. Adapt the service.bat to use tomcat lib folder additional to a java.lib.path like this: --JvmOptions "...; ...;-Djava.library.path=%CATALINA_HOME%\lib"

  6. Extract the installation and configuration tool for "Informatica BPM".
    Go to the <installation_tool>\server-enterprise\tomcat_config\bin folder and adapt the for server configuration. See example for properties relevant to integrated security. The content of username and password is mandatory but not relevant for the connection. So you can use any signs.

  7. Go to the <installation_tool>\server-enterprise\tomcat_config\bin folder and adapt the config_deploy.bat to use tomcat lib folder additional to a java.lib.path like this:

    "<jdk_path>\bin\java" -Xms128m -Xmx512m -Djava.library.path="<tomcat_path>\lib" -jar config.jar %1

  8. Open the command window and execute the config_deploy.bat in silent mode.

  9. Install the Tomcat service using service.bat install

  10. Configure the "Log on" for this service to use the BPM service account (INFA\bpm-service)

  11. Start the service and call the ActiveVOS Console.

Re-configuration of already installed server

Following steps can be made to re-configure the existing BPM Server installation to use the integrated security for database connection:

  1. Stop and uninstall the Tomcat service for BPM Server. Use service.bat uninstall [ tomcat service name ]

  2. Create a Windows service user which will be used to execute BPM Server. (e.g. INFA\bpm-service)

  3. Create the same user as MSSQL Server user and configure this user to use Windows Authentication (INFA\bpm-service)

  4. Configure the owner of the existing ActiveVOS database to newly created user (INFA\bpm-service).

  5. Go to the webserver (Tomcat) installation ({install_dir}/apache-tomcat/conf/Catalina) and to the BPM server ({install_dir}/server-enterprise/tomcat_config/conf) and adapt activevos.xml and active-bpel.xml in both places to use integrated security (s. example). The content of username and password is mandatory but not relevant for the connection. So you can use any signs like in example.

    <Context displayName="ActiveBPEL Enterprise Tomcat Database context" path="/active-bpel">
    <Resource name="jdbc/ActiveVOS" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
  6. Copy the driver class and the additional dll (sqljdbc42.jar and sqljdbc_auth.dll) in the lib folder of Tomcat

  7. Adapt the service.bat to use tomcat lib folder additional to a java.lib.path like this: --JvmOptions "...; ...;-Djava.library.path=%CATALINA_HOME%\lib"

  8. Install the Tomcat service using service.bat install

  9. Configure the "Log on" for this service to use the BPM service account (INFA\bpm-service)

  10. Start the service and call the ActiveVOS Console.

Installation of the required default workflows

After installing the Informatica BPM service the required default workflows have to be deployed to the BPM instance.

The workflows are provided as deployable Business Process Archives: P360_JMS_Core.bpr and P360_BPM_Management.bpr in the Accelerator package <P360 version>_InformaticaBPM of the P360 release.

To deploy the workflows make sure the Informatica BPM service is up and running: Open your web browser and open the management console located at http://your-bpm-server:8080/activevos. You should see the start page of the management console.


To deploy the workflows open the deploy dialog by clicking on the "Deploy" button in the upper right corner and upload the Business Process Archives.


After the upload and deployment has been processed successfully you can check the availability of the P360 default workflows by navigating to Catalog/Contributions where you should now see the deployed projects containing the P360 default workflows in the list.


Configure Dispatch Services

The dispatch services have to be configured in the console of BPM:

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to http://your-bpm-server:8080/activevos and login using your user credentials

  2. On the landing page navigate to "Monitor/Process Monitoring/Dispatch Service"

  3. Click on SystemDefault and update the values

    Dispatch Configuration



    Max Concurrent


    Max in Memory


    Max Queued


    Timeout (seconds)




  4. Click on Update Configuration

  5. Click on Add Configuration and set the values

    Dispatch Configuration



    Max Concurrent


    Max in Memory


    Max Queued


    Timeout (seconds)




  6. Click on Update Configuration

Preparing Informatica BPM service for JMS based communication

The communication between Informatica Product 360 and Informatica BPM service can be switched to an asynchronous message based communication. To enable this capability of Informatica BPM service some post installation steps have to be performed.

Download additional library

ActiveMQ client library

To make Informatica BPM service ready for working with messaging an additional library has to be installed.

Make sure to restart the Informatica BPM service so that the changes take effect.

Setup messaging service within Informatica BPM

To be able to use the asynchronous message based communication between Informatica Product 360 and Informatica BPM service some basic configuration within Informatica BPM has to be set up. This configuration will be done using the Informatica BPM management console.

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to http://your-bpm-server:8080/activevos and login using your user credentials

  2. On the landing page navigate to "Administration/Configure Services/Messaging Service"


  3. Create a new "Manager" entering "ActiveMQ" as name and clicking on the "Add Manager" button

  4. A new entry with name "ActiveMQ" will appear in the list of manager, to configure the manager in detail click on the manager entry

Detail configuration of the message manager

To finish the configuration of the manager you have to add the following values as minimum configuration

JMS Messaging Configuration

Property name

Property value

Default JMS Provider


JMS Provider Type

Other JMS

Connection Factory Name


Connection User

The username to connect to the ActiveMQ message broker

Connection Password

The password to connect to the ActiveMQ message broker

Send Empty Credentials


Maximum Total Connections


Maximum Free Connections


Delivery Mode


Time To Live (ms)


Priority (int)


Reconnect Interval (ms)

Initial Context Properties

Property name

Property value


tcp://your-activemq-server:61616?jms.redeliveryPolicy.maximumRedeliveries=-1 1











1 if using ssl connection make sure to import the corresponding certificates into jour JREs trust store.

Queues & Listeners

Add a new entry in section Queues & Listeners, not mentioned properties need to stay with their default value

Property name

Property value



JNDI Location


Listener Class

Listener Count


Default Service


Add a new entry in section Queues & Listeners, not mentioned properties need to stay with their default value

Property name

Property value



JNDI Location


Listener Class

Listener Count


Default Service


Verifying the configuration

After the manager configuration has been validated and saved you can go back to the Messaging Service overview page. Your manager should now appear in the list with status running.
